/ / Bald animals. Description, photo, content features

Bald animals. Description, photo, content features

Have you ever seen a bald animal? For sure in the life of each person there were at least a couple of such unforgettable meetings. But sometimes it seems that Mother Nature still has a lot of ideas, and the person has learned to penetrate into the holy of holies, having mastered first the selection, and then the genetic engineering.

bald pets

Our article will tell you about amazing animals, devoid of vegetation on the body. Perhaps some of them will really surprise you.

Deprived of wool

Scientists have found out that baldness does not affectonly people. This phenomenon is also affected by animals and birds. The reasons for this may be different, but, as a rule, either have a hereditary nature, or are caused by a disease.

But not always a bald beast is a mutantor sick sufferer. Much here depends on age. For example, do you know which animals are bald in the world? The young of many marsupials remain naked for a long time, growing their hair only to the end of a long "intradominal" period.

bald animal

Therefore, it is worth remembering that for some animals the absence of hair at a certain age is normal.

Changed beyond recognition

But let's take a look at some nakedrepresentatives of wild nature. This hedgehog has no needles, its skin is almost devoid of wool. Why Batty (this is the name of this animal) has just a shocking appearance for a hedgehog, is not known for certain.

which animal is bald

In one of the zoos there lives a male gorilla,almost devoid of hair on the body. To many, this creature seems frightening, because its similarity to man is even more noticeable. This guy is suffering from alopecia.

Another bald celebrity is the bear Dolores, who lives in one of the zoos in Germany. Her baldness is caused by a gene mutation.

In the wild nature of bald animals a lot. It has been established that squirrels, foxes, raccoons, hares, beavers and many other representatives of fauna are bare.

Bald Pets

Many people know about bald cats and dogs. Such breeds are a real salvation for those who dream of a pet, but suffer from an allergy to wool.

bald animal resembling a rat

Some bald cats cause unpleasantassociation, and a lot of bad rumors go about their character. But many owners of sphinxes say that under the folded skin bald skin hugs a kind and grateful heart, and the intelligence of these animals is quite high. They are attached to their master, loyal to him.

Bald breeds of dogs are not that many. Officially the cynological community recognizes only three such breeds: the Peruvian hound, the Mexican hound, the Chinese crested dog. But in fact there are more breeds, it's just that not all of them have official status.

There are other pets, deprivedwool. Rats, hamsters and guinea pigs were withdrawn artificially, by breeding. Some representatives of bald rodents have vegetation on the muzzles and the back parts of the paws.

bald animal

By the way, a bald animal, similar to a rat, canbe a squirrel, shrew, chipmunk or other rodent. Without wool, it is difficult to identify. But a rat deprived of fur can hardly be confused with someone.

Care for a bald pet

Planning to settle in his unusual animal,remember the important rules. First, do not trust spontaneous markets that do not have documents to sellers. In pursuit of profit, unscrupulous people can put a trusting buyer into a non-pedigreed animal, but a sick one. It is advisable to acquire a future pet in a nursery with a good reputation. Well, certainly not worth picking it on the street. If it is a sphinx with a characteristic appearance, it is difficult to make a mistake (although a vet can be found in any case). But a bald rat or a dog may well be a patient, for example, ringworm.

Secondly, remember that bald animalshave a kind of thermoregulation. Simply put, they can freeze when a person feels comfortable. Many owners recommend taking care of clothes for the pet.

bald animal

The attentive owner will by all means quickly get used to the peculiarities of the character, physiology and behavior of the pet. Be sensitive to the hairless baby, and you quickly learn the basics of content.

Demented animals really lookunusual. They not only attract their special appearance, but also make us think again about how defenseless and vulnerable our neighbors are on the planet.

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