/ / Silver Rabbit: Breed description, reviews, care

Rabbit silver: a description of the breed, reviews, care

Rabbit breed silvery are popular mostly inus in the country and in Ukraine. They are usually raised in personal household plots, and sometimes on large farms. This breed belongs to meat-skins, it has a rather unusual appearance, very beautiful fur and unpretentiousness.

History of breeding

Homeland of the modern silvery rabbitis the French province of Champagne. Animals of this unusual coloration were quite popular with European farmers in the century before last. In our country, a silver rabbit was introduced in the 20s of the last century. As a result of the selection work carried out with him, a beautiful breed of deep silvery color appeared, quickly gaining weight, early and prolific. It was registered in 1952. The removal of a silver rabbit in the form as it exists today is entirely due to the Soviet breeders of Kaplevsky.

rabbit silver

general description

Perhaps the main advantage of such animals,as the rabbits of the breed are silvery, is their skin is very beautiful color. The ostevoy hair is light, the guide is almost black, and the podpushek - light blue. The combination of all these shades gives a very pleasing to the eye color of old silver. This unusual color is evenly distributed throughout the body of the rabbit. The ears, nose, tail and legs are slightly darker, but also silvery.

The body of the rabbits of this breed is proportional to andharmoniously, has a cylindrical shape. The chest is wide and deep, the back is straight, the sacral region is powerful and well developed. The silver rabbit can reach a length of 57 cm in length. The chest circumference in the area of ​​the shoulder blades in adults is approximately 36 cm. The weight of the silver giants ranges from 4.5 to 5.5 kg. Some individuals can reach 6.5 kg.

rabbits of silver

Breed of rabbits silver: reviews

The merits of this breed can be attributed, in thatnumber. and a very high yield of meat at slaughter (60%). Also, these animals deserve good reviews due to their fertility. In a litter, usually there are at least 6-8 rabbits. Among other things, silvery rabbits are characterized by early maturity.

The meat of rabbits of this breed, judging by the reviews, hasjust excellent taste. Skins taken from carcasses are very large in size. Their undoubted advantage is that they absolutely do not require staining. By color, they, according to many fur farmers, strongly resemble the fur of Siberian squirrels. Of course, at the reception points of skins take them very readily and they are quite expensive.

Besides good productivity, the rabbit is silverydiffers unpretentiousness. Cultivate these animals on a standard set of feeds. To care for them for some special technology is not required.

Features of the content

Because the rabbit is silver in the processbreeding work has been well adapted to the cold climate of our country, you can keep these animals right on the street even in winter. Cells are installed in a place protected from wind and scorching sun rays. Of course, they should be quite spacious. Such that the animal could easily get up on its hind legs or make at least one jump.

silver rabbit photo

Also, the silvery rabbit is not badis adapted to the content in sheds. It is not recommended to breed these animals only in closed barns. With this method of maintenance, their reproductive ability is significantly reduced and the quality of the skin deteriorates. If desired, you can breed these animals and in an aviary way.

To the cold, silver rabbits are not susceptible, but the heat is not tolerated very well. Therefore, special attention in the summer period of time should be given to the shading of cells.


Food for these animals is best given strictly totimetable. In this case, the silver rabbit is much better at gaining weight. As for the diet itself, it is standard for these animals. From rough forages in the summer give grass and branches, in the winter - good hay and brooms. Of concentrated - barley or oat groats. From juicy - carrots, beets, sometimes zucchini, apples, cabbage, etc.


Sluchku spend on the territory of the male. Less than a month later the rabbit appears. They weigh about 72-75 grams. Mom silvery rabbits are very good - they feed the cubs well, watch and look after them. By 2 months, young animals are gaining weight about 1.5-1.7 kg, to three - up to 3 kg, to four - up to 4 kg. Thus, in four months - this is quite an adult silvery rabbit. Photos of these beautiful animals can be seen on the page.

silvery giant bunny

A very interesting feature of this breedis also the fact that the little rabbits are of a monochromatic black color. After a while, the muzzle, paws and tail become silvery. Completely this beautiful shade of a skin of animals acquires to four-monthly age - after a moult. A silvery giant is a rabbit that develops just like this and no other way. Such a gradual change of color is considered one of the main characteristics of the breed.

Silvery rabbits are distinguished by their milkiness and quite willingly accept other people's cubs. In case of any threat, they quite aggressively defend their brood.

breed of rabbits silver reviews

Helpful information

From the scientific point of view, silveriness is causeddefect of the dominant gene "R". This interesting color of the skin arises precisely because of its mutation. In the follicle of rabbit hair, pigments simply cease to form.

Unacceptable shortcomings of the breed include lightbreast, completely black head and very different in color undercoats. As it should look like a real silver rabbit, the photos presented on this page show visually.

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