/ / The Californian rabbit is the best option for breeding

Rabbit Californian - the best option for breeding

The best American breeder George West, who lived inCalifornia, the breed was bred by a Californian rabbit in 1928. Already in 1939 it was officially recognized and immediately became popular. In Russia appeared in the 70-80-ies of the twentieth century. The breeder West took three breeds as basis: the New Zealand rabbit, the Himalayan and the chinchilla. As a result, the received version presents the best features of the predecessors. The Californian rabbit is of medium size (like New Zealand) and weighs 4.5 kg. He has white dense fur (like the Himalayan ermine breed), and excellent meat (the legacy of the chinchilla). Here they are - the Californian rabbits.

Breeding them does not require much trouble: they are very prolific, in the litter usually 8-10 rabbits. At birth, the rabbit is completely white, and a month later, a dark brown color characteristic of this breed appears on the tip of the nose, ears, tail and legs. Considering offspring, pay attention: rabbits with a smoky touch on the fur are the best representatives of the breed and in the future are worthy to become the best producers.

Features that distinguish the breed: color (dark areas on the background of white fur), a small horn-nosed head on a short neck, ears erect, up to 10 centimeters long. The legs of the animals are short, thick, well pubescent, the tail is short. The body is wide, with well developed musculature. The weight of rabbits is larger than that of males, and reaches 4.8 - 5.3 kilograms. Eyes are red, and claws are brown or black. The coat is white, dense, elastic, pleasant when touched.

Rabbit Californian is popularalso because his friendly, accommodating nature facilitates the care of the animal. Some hold such rabbits as pets. Children are especially fond of them.
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If you decide to buy a California bunnies forbreeding, they should be chosen, guided by the breed standard. There may be deviations, not spoiling the basic qualities. It is not necessary to reject specimens with less harmonious proportions: an elongated neck or head, slightly lowered ears, a prominent chin. Not a big defect is dyed hair in the throat area, near the eyes. Violate the pedigree weight of more than 5.5 kilograms, hanging long ears, an outstanding nose, a lot of dark spots on the fur, rare fur.
california breeding

Rabbit Californian has become popular yetbecause it does not require special conditions of detention. It is desirable to have a large cell with a mesh floor, moderately insulated, since animals do not suffer from low temperatures, even if there is no litter in the cage. But they need care of the coat. In order for animals to develop well and grow quickly, they need a diet high in protein. Meat and fish meal, dairy additives are obligatory. Rabbits should not be restricted in food, they should be provided with permanent access to water. In winter you need to drink warm water. With good nutrition and proper care, the animals of this breed grow rapidly: by three months they weigh 2.5 kg, and in a month their weight reaches 3 kg. Provided good maintenance and regular veterinary service life expectancy of the animals of this breed is ten years.

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