/ / Weather and climate of Stavropol Territory

Weather and climate of Stavropol Territory

The climate of the Stavropol Territory differs fromweather conditions in other regions of the Russian Federation. The region is located on the northern slope of the Greater Caucasus, in the central part of the Ciscaucasia. The region represents elevations and steppes. There are many minerals here, including oil, natural gas, various minerals. The peculiarity and richness of the animal and plant world, the saturation of soils, the numerous hydrogeography - all this depends on the prevailing climate in the region.

Climatic Resources

The climate of the Stavropol Territory is moderatecontinental. Air masses come from the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. The climatic conditions on the territory of the region are determined by a combination of factors. Clear and cold weather here is provided by air flows from Siberia and Kazakhstan; windy and cloudy - Atlantic; heat and dryness - Iran's tropical air. A typical feature of the Stavropol climate is strong wind currents. Precipitation along the regions of the province is unevenly distributed, because here there is a different relief - the mountainous terrain and steppes. In the mountains precipitation is greater and the air temperature is lower than in the flat terrain.

climate of the Stavropol Territory

The climate of the Stavropol Territory by districts is noticeableis different. This should be taken into account if tourists are going to travel. Even in summer, the air in the rainy season does not warm above 25 degrees. Precipitation moves in the region from south to north. In general, the climate here is comfortable. Maximum clean air combined with mild winters and mild summers. What could be better for active recreation?

Features of the relief

The climate of the Stavropol Territory depends entirely onlocation of the territory. The region is an elevation, which in the east passes into the Nogai steppe. In the north, the plain gradually turns into the Kumo-Manych depression. The foothills are famous for the area of ​​the Caucasian Mineral Waters and Mount Beshtau. Here there are large deposits of geothermal waters. Humidity determines a large number of water resources. The region has many rivers and a small number of lakes.

what is the climate in the Stavropol Territory


Climate and relief of the Stavropol Territoryare interrelated. Weather conditions favor the comfortable life of the population, as well as tourism. In winter, the air temperature does not fall below -5 degrees on the plain, does not reach the absolute maximum in summer. The Caucasus Mountains provide moderation and optimum humidity, which varies during the seasons. In the mountains, the air reaches a peak of -10 degrees in winter. In general, the weather in the province is ideal for living. During the seasons, the temperature fluctuates slightly. The uniqueness of the relief ensures the stability of weather conditions. In the Stavropol Territory, the climate has created ideal conditions for a measured life, sanatorium and resort treatment, as well as the development of agriculture.

climate and relief of the Stavropol Territory


The article already talked about what type of climateis typical for the Stavropol Territory. Residents of Siberia and central regions of the country may be a little envious of the residents of the Stavropol region. Winter here is short and soft. The temperature rarely falls below five degrees. In the mountains, the air is cleaner and colder, which is quite natural. For the winter in the Stavropol Territory, instability is characteristic. The cold period begins in December. Snowy weather is not uncommon, but snow does not last long on the streets.

what type of climate is typical for the Stavropol Territory

Sharp warming often turns winter into a startspring. However, despite the moderate continental climate, Stavropol is not immune from a sharp cold snap. A record low air temperature of -38 degrees was set here. Most often cold snaps come in January - early February. Such sudden changes in weather conditions are not sustainable. In the winter season, strong winds help feel the cold.


Weather and climate of the Stavropol Territory at the end of winterand the beginning of spring please the local residents with moderation. The only negative - the transition to another season can be accompanied by powerful winds, gusts of which reach from 30 to 40 meters per second. However, one does not have to despair, because the Mediterranean wind brings warm air masses and, accordingly, spring to the region. Gradually, the rising heat quickly awakens nature. In March, the temperature of the air warms up to +3 degrees.

climate of the Stavropol region

In April, stability (+8 and +10 degrees)strengthens the position of spring. The month of May in the Stavropol region no longer obeys the whims of nature - the air temperature reaches +15 degrees. Perfect weather conditions in the spring affect the gardening. The Stavropol Territory blooms and flourishes in the middle of March. It is difficult to trace the boundary between winter and spring. Often on the territory of the winter turns into a slushy spring, so it starts earlier than planned.


The summer season can not be called hot. Its calm temperate character is favored by the climate of the Stavropol Territory. In short, summer can be characterized as follows: it is rainy. The amount of precipitation in the region is maximal and increases by the middle of the season. For July, most of the precipitation occurs. Tourists wait for the heat in 40 degrees is not necessary. Extremely high air temperature in the region is a rarity, as is severe frost. If the air warms up to a high level, this weather does not last long. Precipitation in the province falls in the form of showers with severe thunderstorms. The average temperature in summer ranges from +22 to +25 degrees.

weather and climate of the Stavropol Territory

In the province, an absolute maximum of +44 is recorded. Such weather is established for a short period of time, but becomes the cause of drought, dry winds. Heat quickly evaporates precipitation, especially if warm air masses join it. In general, the summer in the Stavropol Territory is pleasant, soft, not too hot, but not cold. For people who do not tolerate heat and severe frost, the climate of the region is ideal.


Soft sea air of the Mediterranean Seaestablishes favorable weather conditions in the autumn period on the territory of the region. Ideal autumn - this is what the region offers together with health resorts. The temperature in September-October is lower than in summer, but sunny, clear weather and lack of frosts favor the comfortable life of the local population. The autumn season in the Stavropol Territory is drier. Precipitation is lower, rainy is declining. In October, the average air temperature is +10 degrees. In September, it is slightly higher.

Humidity in the region does not reach its peak in autumn, butis of a measured and constant nature. The autumn months are a very favorable period for the development of agriculture. The changing climate, the Caucasus mountains, the proximity of the seas - all this affects the weather conditions in the province. It can not be said that they are ideal, especially for meteosensitive people. Variability, fickleness can adversely affect well-being. Despite this, autumn in the region, like other seasons, is beautiful even taking into account the vagaries of the weather.

climate of the Stavropol Territory by districts


What is the climate in the Stavropol Territory? This question is asked by most tourists who decided to spend their holidays in an amazing, amazingly beautiful region. Due to the fact that the region is in the European part, in the south of the country, in the summer and autumn season the air here warms up to high marks. Unlike the central regions, summer in Stavropol comes in early May, and in spring the local residents are met in February. Of course, the weather is also changeable. Despite this, the summer in the region is consistently warm, but with the maximum rainfall that falls on the season.

If we compare Stavropol with the Krasnodar Territoryor the Rostov region, in the region is much colder. Stavropol is famous for its recreational resources. There are sanctuaries, nature monuments, zoological gardens, botanical gardens, resorts of Mineral Waters. It is called an eco-resort region. Tourists do not just rest, but also improve. This is facilitated by the mild, favorable weather of the Stavropol Territory and unique natural conditions.

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