/ What is climate and what is happening to it?

What is the climate and what happens to it?

We very often use such concepts as"Weather" and "climate." But do we always clearly imagine what it is? And if the weather as we know more, then that is the climate, say not all. Let's try to figure this out.

What is climate
The weather is the state of the atmospheric layer of airAt the very surface of the earth above any territory at a given time. It depends on many of the most diverse factors and, first of all, on those processes that take place in the atmosphere.

The weather is very volatile, during the day canchange several times. But if you look closely, watch it for a year, you can see some permanent properties. For example, alternating in a certain sequence of warm and cold weather, its change by the seasons. These are the features that are characteristic of a given locality, called the climate. In other words, what climate is, you can say so - this is the long-term regime of weather in this territory.

Why is it different?

In what climate grow tropical forests
Since the Earth has a spherical shape, itsthe surface is illuminated by the Sun unequally. On the poles, the sun's rays do not heat up the surface, gliding and reflecting off the snow cover, they go back into space. What is the climate of the polar regions is a constant cold, eternal snow and ice.

But in the equatorial region is always hot,here the illumination is maximum, so the Sun is always at the zenith. On either side of the equator there are areas with the hottest conditions, they are called the tropics. In these areas, not only is it always warm, but they are also the wettest, because of the high temperatures, a lot of moisture evaporates. The abundance of rainfall and warm air contribute to the rapid growth of vegetation. There is no such species diversity of representatives of flora and fauna on the planet anywhere else. Additionally, there is no need to explain in what climate tropical forests grow, but why in the same tropics there are many deserts, it is necessary to clarify.

Humid air with movement from the equatorto the poles gradually becomes drier. In tropical latitudes, there is almost no moisture in it, because of this there are such corners on Earth where for several years no drop of rain falls. In such conditions, deserts are formed, in particular, the largest desert in the world of Sahara.

What is the climate of the highlands?

In the mountains it is much colder than on the plains, andthese changes are related to height. The higher from the foot, the more severe the climate becomes, since when the distance from the earth's surface the temperature of the air decreases. In this case, there is such a pattern - when you climb for every thousand meters it becomes colder by 6 ° C.

The impact of climate on human life

The impact of climate on human life
The weather can change several times a day,The climate is also changing, only much more slowly, this takes millennia. It is influenced not only by natural factors, for example, volcanic eruptions, but also by the results of human activity. Deforestation, destruction of the ozone layer, pollution of atmospheric air - all this has a negative impact on the Earth's climate.

Changes, even the most insignificant, canlead to greater problems for humanity. The placement of natural areas is changing, in some areas there is a change in the types of vegetation and wildlife, melting glaciers and ice fields in the Arctic Ocean. All this will affect not only the living conditions of people, but also their economic activities.

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