/ / How did oil production in Russia develop?

How did oil production in Russia develop?

The first written evidence of howoil production in Russia was carried out, belong to the XVI century. And already in 1745 on the river Ukhta the first oil refinery was built. The growing need for a new type of fuel forced the tsarist government to send geological and prospecting expeditions to the Caucasus. The results did not take long. So, in 1823 there was an oil refinery in Mozdok, and in 1846 the world's first well was hammered in Baku. This was the beginning of oil production in Russia. According to statistics, by 1900 our country produced one-third of the world market of "black gold".

Oil production in Russia
The revolution that began in 1917, and thenThe civil war led to the demise of the once mighty empire. But already in 6 years, oil production in Russia was completely restored, and the country has already reached the pre-revolutionary level in terms of exported "black gold". Up to the beginning of the Second World War, studies were conducted on oil reserves in the Caucasus region. During the Great Patriotic War, Hitler sought at any cost to seize the riches of this region.

After the victory of the USSR over Germany was acceptedresolution on the initiation of geological exploration in the Volga-Ural region. Oil production in Russia gradually moved from the eastern regions to the Urals. The presence of a relatively well-developed transport network, high-water rivers and ease of development of new deposits led to a collapse in prices for Middle Eastern oil. The Volga-Urals region provided about 45% of all production in the USSR. By 1975, it had reached its peak at 4.5 million barrels / day.

Oil and gas production in Russia
Depletion of oil reserves in the Urals led to morethe careful development of Western Siberia. Discovered in the 1960s, large deposits began to be actively developed. Thousands of Soviet citizens have changed the climate of the central part of Russia in the severe Siberian winter. The cities and villages began to grow and develop rapidly. The rapid growth of the oil-producing regions made it possible to increase the volumes of extracted "black gold" to 9.900 thousand barrels / day. Nowadays the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous District remains the leader in oil production. It is there that about 60% of all Russian "black gold" is mined. The first oil in Western Siberia was extracted by barbaric methods. Lack of reconnaissance was attempted to compensate for more intensive drilling, which ultimately led to a rapid depletion of wells and a decrease in production volumes.

The collapse of the USSR led to the fact that oil production inRussia fell to such limits that the country could provide only itself, for export there was nothing left. The privatization led to the creation of large oil companies. For many years, Gazprom, Rosneft, Lukoil and TNK-BP have been the leaders among them. The main production of oil and gas in Russia is carried out by these giants.

Oil production in Russia statistics
Most of the oil companies at the momentare focused on the development of technologies that allow increasing the level of oil production in already developed regions. Modern means of automation and new methods of drilling lead to the fact that oil and gas production in Russia only increases. The total proved reserves of black gold increased by 5-15% due to the conducted modernization of production. New government programs aimed at developing the Far East and Eastern Siberia are already bearing fruit. Thanks to them, oil production in Russia continues to grow and exceeded 171 million tons.

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