/ / Krutitskoe metochion in Moscow: description, history, time of work, location and interesting facts

Krutitskoe metochion in Moscow: description, history, time of work, location and interesting facts

Many remarkable monuments of culture andsights can be found in Moscow. Walking along its center, it is worth to get acquainted with many objects of cultural heritage and see a lot of interesting things. Their history is usually closely connected with the history of the city itself, so it is especially interesting to know it. A lot of routes are laid in the capital to see important sights. One of them is Krutitskoye metochion in Moscow. The article will discuss what kind of object this is, will tell about its history and some interesting facts related to it.

Krutitskoe Compound in Moscow - general information

To begin with it is necessary to understand, what itselfrepresents the Krutitsa farmstead. First, it should be noted that this is a special architectural monument. Secondly, it is a historical monument. It was founded in the XIII century. Initially, he served as a monastery, and then became the residence where the bishops lived. At one time he was even one of the branches of the State Historical Museum. The metochion is located in the historical center of Moscow, in the Tagansky district. Here you can often see visitors, as Krutitskoe metochion in Moscow includes several objects that always interest people, both local residents and tourists.

steep courtyard in Moscow

Many are interested in the origin of the namethis place. It is believed that the word "steepness" means elevation, and this place is just on the high bank of the Moscow River, just below the mouth of the Yauza River. Now it became clear what the Krutitskoye metochion is in Moscow. How to get here? This question interests many. It will be considered later. This place is known for its beauty, here you can not only get acquainted with the sights, but also just stroll and enjoy the unusually beautiful views.

What objects does the farmhouse include?

So we got to know this a little bitplace and reviewed general information about it. Now it is worth to tell a little about what you can see by visiting Krutitskoe metochion in Moscow. There are several objects at once, each of which represents a separate interest. All these objects are monuments of culture and keep their own history. So, the courtyard includes:

  • Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Krutitsy (built in 1700).
  • Krutitsky Teremok and Resurrection Transitions (created in the XVII century).
  • Metropolitan Chambers (built in the late 17th century).
  • The Church of the Resurrection of the Speaker in Krutitsy (erected in the XVII century).
  • The corps of the Metropolitan's orders and other objects.

Now it became clear what includesand also what it is known for. Almost all the buildings that are here belong to the XVII century. See them and learn their history will be very informative for every person who came here. Now it's worth to talk in more detail about some of the objects that are of greatest interest.

how to get to tskotickoe metochion in Moscow

Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin on Krutitsy

So, it is worth considering in more detail thisa wonderful cathedral. According to some information, the cathedral existed in the middle of the XV century, but then it had a different name. In the beginning of the XVI century the church was rebuilt and received a modern name. In 1612, this cathedral became almost the central church in Moscow, while the Kremlin cathedrals were captured by the Poles.

In 1655 a decision was taken to reconstructthe building of the cathedral and its construction in stone. By the end of the XVII century the construction was completed, and the consecration of the cathedral took place. The building is very interesting for its architecture.

However, after the revolution, significantchanges, and in 1920 the cathedral was closed. It was decided to create living quarters, as a result, all the painting that was on the walls of the church, unfortunately, was painted over. Since the 60-ies of the XX century, the temple was used as a production facility, and then moved to the Historical Museum and for some time was its branch.

Since 1993, here again held worship services. Now some parts of the church are being restored.

Krutitsky Tower

Now we need to talk about another importantobject, located in the Krutitsy metochion. This is the whole part of the whole complex, which consists of such elements as the holy gate, and also the tower, which is located directly above the gate.

This building is very interesting and unusual. It was built in the late 17th century, in 1693. Then it was built not only by the tower itself, but also by special transitions, they led from the chambers in which the rooms were located, directly to the cathedral. Above these buildings worked the famous architect of that time - Osip Startsev. The building and the gate still surprise with its beauty. They are trimmed with magnificent glazed tiles, which look very unusual. In addition, the gates were decorated with frescoes.

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Unfortunately, the building was badly damaged by the fire,which occurred in 1737. After this event, many elements of decoration were replaced, and the tower began to look different. However, in the XIX century, it was decided to restore the building, and the appearance of the tower was as close as possible to its original appearance.

How and when the metochion was created - an excursion into the history

So, we looked at the basic elements of everythingarchitectural ensemble. Now it is worthwhile to talk in more detail about how and at what time the Krutitskoye metochion appeared in Moscow. His story is extremely interesting and full of various surprises. First of all, it should be noted that the very village of Krutitsa was in a very favorable place. It was here that important ways passed, which have long been actively used for trade and other purposes. These paths were taken to Ryazan and Kolomna.

There are several versions of how thethe farmstead. According to the first, in this place in the XIII century the church was laid. It happened under the leadership of Prince Daniel of Moscow. There is another legend, which says that the Greek chronicler Varlaam originally stopped here. He settled in these places, and here the church was laid, later a monastery arose around it.

krutitskoe metochion in Moscow history

History of the farmstead in the XVIII-XIX centuries

So, it was told about how and at what time the Krutitsa farmstead appeared. His fate was far from simple. It was badly damaged during the Moscow fire in 1737.

Somewhat later, when the buildings were put in order, a seminary began to operate here, which was later moved to another location.

However, that fire, which had a marked effect on the appearanceobjects of this ensemble, was not the only one. The cathedral on the territory of the farmstead also suffered very badly in 1812, already as a result of another fire. A few years later it was decided to disassemble it and make barracks or outbuildings on this place. However, after learning about this decision, the clergy immediately intervened in this matter. After that, a decision was made on the reconstruction of the cathedral, as a result of which it gradually recovered. In total, the reconstruction lasted more than 30 years. It was held from 1833 to 1868.

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Krutitskoe Compound in Soviet Time

Now we need to talk about what happenedwith a house in the transition to the Soviet regime. Krutitskoe patriarchal metochion in Moscow at that time was going through bad times. Divine services in the cathedral stopped after 1924. In a short time everything that was in the temple was rendered and plundered. The images on the walls were smeared. In the 30-ies of the XX century here you could see the barracks, which took the place of the cathedral. In the cemetery was organized a playground for playing football. However, in 1947 a decision was made to reconstruct Krutitsy. Restoration of objects lasted quite a long time, more than 30 years. Until 1966, objects on the territory of the farmstead were not recognized as objects of cultural heritage. In the 80s, Krutitsy became a branch of the Historical Museum. In the early 90's half of the metochion was returned to the church.

Restoration work in this architectural ensemble is ongoing now. In 2008, the frescoes, interiors of interiors and other details were already restored in the temple.

Where is the farmstead

So, the history of thisplace and its objects. Now I need to say a few words about his location. It is located practically in the center of the city. Having found nearby, it is worth to visit Krutitskoe metochion in Moscow. The address of the metochion: Krutitskaya street, 17, building 4.

It can be said that it is located on thecrossing two streets, one of them - Krutitskaya, the other - the 1st Krutitskiy lane. Thus, it will be easier to navigate when searching for this cultural monument. It will be most convenient to reach the metro station "Krestyanskaya Zastava" or "Proletarskaya".

You can not only admire the beautifularchitecture, but also to touch history, having gone to Krutitskoe metochion in Moscow. Opening hours are from 10:00 to 17:00. The museum works all days, except Tuesday. Also it is closed on the first Monday of each month.

krutitskoe patriarchal metochion in Moscow

Are there any services here?

Many people are interested in the question, are they conducted hereservice now? The answer to this question is yes, the services have been held for a long time in such a wonderful place as Krutitskoe metochion in Moscow. The schedule of services should be seen in advance. Usually they are held here on Saturdays at 8:00 and 17:00 and on Sundays at 9:00. Divine services are also held on weekdays, it is better to specify the time immediately before the trip.

Interesting facts about this place

Of course, this place, by virtue of its history,enveloped in a lot of interesting stories and various secrets. It, like all ancient monuments of culture, has a unique atmosphere. Here you can often see people visiting the Krutitskoye metochion in Moscow. Reviews about this place are usually incredibly enthusiastic. Basically, visitors like that you can really touch the culture and better know the history of the city and the country.

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There are also a number of interesting facts related to the house. According to one of them, LP Beria was here for some time. This version is considered controversial and has not yet been verified.

Another interesting fact is thatAleshinsky barracks (formerly known as the Krutitskie). Almost until the beginning of the XIX century they belonged to the church. After that, they were rebuilt several times. It is interesting that in 1843 AI Herzen was here.

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