What days can not get pregnant and how to calculate them?
Certainly, every girl at least oncewas interested in the question of when on which days the fertilization of the egg is impossible and whether there is any risk of becoming pregnant during "critical" days. All of the above is an integral part of such a concept as the calendar method of contraception. What is it? It is used in cases where a woman does not want to have children yet (although it does not have high reliability).
![What days you can not get pregnant](/images/novosti-i-obshestvo/v-kakie-dni-nelzya-zaberemenet-i-kak-ih-vichislit.jpg)
This method is considered to be a natural means by which pregnancy can be avoided. It was opened by two specialists of gynecology - Japanese Ogino and Austrian Klaus.
How can you determine on which days you can not get pregnant using the calendar method of contraception?
It should be noted that its meaning lies in thethat fertilization occurs only for several days from the moment of ovulation, that is, when the ovary leaves the ovum. It is this period that is considered the most favorable for the onset of pregnancy. The remaining days are conditionally called "sterile". Gynecologists say that not to conceive a baby is easy enough, you just need to refrain from sexual intercourse in "critical" days.
However, there are a number of waysto calculate, in what days it is impossible to become pregnant. The first of these provides that this is five days before the onset of the menstrual cycle and five days after its completion. The essence of the second method is as follows: take into account 14 days before the date of onset of the proposed menstruation, from this number, you need to subtract eight days and add five days to the end of the above-mentioned physiological phenomenon - the entire given period can be considered "dangerous".
![Days when you can not get pregnant](/images/novosti-i-obshestvo/v-kakie-dni-nelzya-zaberemenet-i-kak-ih-vichislit_2.jpg)
It should be emphasized that the risk of conception of a childexists for women and during the "red" days. That is why in determining which days you can not get pregnant, the calendar method of contraception can not be considered effective at 100 percent.
Are there any other ways to calculate "sterile" days? Yes, certainly.
A fairly common way of computingOn what days you can not get pregnant, the method of measuring the basal body temperature is considered. Again, it should be noted that its effectiveness is not always high. It is necessary to measure the temperature in the rectum by means of a mercury or electronic thermometer daily. And this procedure is done in the morning, immediately after awakening. All indications of the thermometer must be fixed. If the temperature in the rectum is less than thirty-seven degrees Celsius, then this indicates that there are days when you can not get pregnant. However, this can not be considered an axiom, and, of course, there are exceptions to the rules.
![Dangerous days to get pregnant](/images/novosti-i-obshestvo/v-kakie-dni-nelzya-zaberemenet-i-kak-ih-vichislit_3.jpg)
In a huge number of situations until the momentovulation basal temperature is less than thirty-seven degrees Celsius. But it must be remembered that spermatozoa have a very high degree of vitality, so they can be active for several days. Therefore, it is by no means a fact that the physical proximity that occurred between partners, in particular, five days before the initial moment of ovulation, can not lead to conception.
Dangerous days, which are easy enough to become pregnant, can also be determined with the help of special tests. The above method is considered reliable, but quite costly.
And, of course, be guided by your ownFeel. During the period of ovulation, a woman feels pain in the lower abdomen, abundant vaginal discharge begins. These are clear signs that the risk of pregnancy during this period is maximal.