Can I get pregnant from a man's lubrication?
Some pairs as a method of protectionfrom an unwanted pregnancy choose an interrupted hollow act. In this case, ejaculation in the stronger sex does not occur in the woman's vagina. Often in such situations, both partners have a question: "Can I get pregnant from the lubrication of a man?". Let's try to figure this out.
Lubrication begins to stand out already at the firstsigns of excitement. It is an almost colorless liquid in a small amount. During sexual intercourse, grease enters the vagina and can even be in the most remote corners of the vagina. In addition, it contains a few spermatozoa, which may be sufficient for the fertilization of an egg of a woman. Therefore, when asked: "Is it possible to become pregnant from the lubrication of a man?" - theoretically you can answer: "Yes," but almost always it happens very rarely.
If a man and a woman still do not want to change the method of contraception, it is necessary to take some precautions.
The likelihood of getting pregnant from lubrication increasesin the period of ovulation. This is the most favorable period for conception, and most of the coveted or unwanted "zaletov" falls precisely at this time. It is advisable during this period to refrain from loving comfort or choose another way of protection.
It is necessary to know that in the microflora of the vaginawomen are not able to survive all sperm, because its acidic environment has a deleterious effect on them. This significantly reduces the possibility of pregnancy.
After sex in the urethraremains a little semen. At the next sexual intercourse, if the time interval was small, the probability of getting viable spermatozoa into the partner's vagina increases significantly, and pregnancy may occur. Particular danger is exerted by a man and a woman who did not take a shower after the previous sex.
More often the question "can I get pregnant from lubricationmen "worried about the couple at the very beginning of the relationship, when there is still no confidence in their partner, as well as young people and girls who are just beginning their sex life and for which pregnancy is currently undesirable.
Sometimes it happens that a man does not have time to interrupt the sexual act, and a little semen remains in the body of a woman. The pregnancy in such cases may become unexpected.
Usually this happens in inexperienced partners or with very strong arousal.
All men are divided into two categories: with strong and weak activity of spermatozoa. It is possible to become pregnant with partner lubrication in the first case with a high probability, and in the second case it is already problematic. But not every man knows such details about his sperm.
Interrupted intercourse is not the most reliableso that partners are no longer interested in whether it is possible to get pregnant from a man's lubrication, it is better to choose other methods of contraception, which will protect not only from the onset of pregnancy, but also from certain diseases.