/ / What is charisma and passionarity: similarity and difference of concepts

What is charisma and passionarity: similarity and difference of concepts

The concepts of "charisma" and "passionarity" usuallycharacterize people who lead an active lifestyle, have increased energy and special forces to convince and lead other people. In the theory of ethnography LN Gumilev passionaries attributed to the ability to be a warrior, to commit aggressive and aggressive actions. Charismatic leaders in the sociology of Max Weber also became war heroes, hunter leaders, healers and soothsayers. According to ordinary people, passionate and charismatic personalities have special magical and superhuman abilities.

Answering the question, what is charisma, M.Weber defined it as a quality of personality, giving the person authority and authority. The notion of charisma has now spread not only to people of power, but also to scientists, businessmen, writers, etc.

The similarity of the concepts of charisma and passionarity

1) "Passionary explosion" in the theory of L.N.Gumilev always appeared on the verge of extinction of the ethnos and contributed to the emergence of a new man - an active and proactive, capable of reviving his own people. A similar concept exists in the theory of sociology and is called the "charismatic outbreak," which is clearly manifested in revolutionary leaders and their closest associates.

2) C.Eisenstadt, describing charisma, uses the concept of "charismatic zeal," which is very close in meaning to passionarity as a need to take active action to transform society. Any leader has an excess of strength, energy, which can be directed to both constructive and destructive goals.

3) Obsession and fanaticism - dominantsigns that determine what charisma is and what a person's passionarity is. Fanatics for the sake of the stated purpose can sacrifice themselves, the family, other people, without hesitation and do not hesitate.

4) Both passionary and charismatic leadershave the ability to convince the masses of people, to lead them, putting passion in their rhetoric, strong emotions that are capable of infecting other people. In the theory of passionarity, this concept is called the "passionary field," inside which acts passionary induction (infection), and in social theory - "charisma of the voice." The voice of the leader is additionally perceived by other people as pleasant, fascinating, convincing.

The difference between the concepts of charisma and passionarity

1) The notion of "passionarity" is used whendescription of global historical and geographical events, whereas the concept of "charisma" is used mainly to describe current events in politics, among scientific discoveries.

2) Development of charisma as a personal componentis stimulated by political leaders with vivid events in the society. With a decrease in the intensity of the heat of events and in the settlement of political events and the stabilization of economic and political life in the country, the power of charisma among the representatives of power also decreases. Passionarity is an innate quality of a person and can disappear only with the death of a passionary, who, while achieving one goal, sets new ones.

3) Political scientists and political journalists, notthinking about what charisma is, intuitively use this concept in accordance with the appointment that M. Weber assigned to it - the quality of the personality of the leader of power. While the notion of passionarity is traditionally used in ethnography by culturologists, historians, geographers.

4) Passionarity is a broader concept thancharisma, so passionarians can possess the energy, voice, strength and persuasiveness of charismatic leaders, who are not always passionaries. Their charisma can be a temporary manifestation, characteristic of a given era.

Modern research to understand what ischarisma and how to develop it, are held in the field of psychology and political science, education and marketing. It is possible to become charismatic by creating certain conditions in society, whereas the emergence of passionaries can not be managed by society, but only has the opportunity to direct their energy into socially significant activity.

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