/ / Gift for a guy

Gift for a guy

There is an old anecdote:

The girl says to her boyfriend: "I have prepared a present for you!".

"What?", He asks.

"I'm going to put it on, I'll show it," she replies.

And indeed, in youth, when relations incouple are just born, presents are not given or are presented according to the principle "I am a gift". A young nymph can give his lover even a night of love. In the course are lovely valentines, souvenir like lover kittens and other such trifles, which, according to the girl, must necessarily like her boyfriend.

When the relationship goes a little further, a giftfor a guy is selected already taking into account his tastes and wishes. Much also depends on the feelings. When young people just started dating and to intimate relationships, it did not work and it is not yet clear whether the personal gift for the guy will be too inappropriate (of course, if this is not a hint of a closer acquaintance).

On the other hand, when relations are onpique of passion, gifts for a guy from a sex shop will be quite a place. The main thing is not to bend the stick. Not every young man will like equipment for men's sado-maso or strapon. Drugs to increase the potency, too, will please not all, rather the opposite. What can you give in this case? A colorful book with various poses for sex, an intimate gel-grease, pink handcuffs with fur or some other, equally innocent toys.

If sex in a pair is already saturated and not boring,you can make a gift for a guy based on his hobbies. The young man, as a rule, has a lot of interests: sports, music, fishing, the Internet. A player can be given a new ball or boots if the young man is fond of boxing - gloves or a pear. If the boyfriend is fond of sports, not getting up from the couch, but simply a fan - you can give souvenirs with the symbols of your favorite team (of course, if there is one), tickets for the next match or book a table in the sports bar to sit together and watch the competitions on a large screen with a mug-another beer.

A gift for a guy can be not only pleasant,but also useful. Master craftsman will certainly like a quality tool. A drill, a puncher, an electric plane, a heat gun for a garage or a Bulgarian - you can find many useful things in the store. The truth is not to give such gifts to the guys, if before they saw this tool only in the picture and do not know from which side it should be approached.

A classic gift for a guy - panties, socks,shaving foam, electric razor or a good machine with 3-5 rows of blades. On the eve of the holidays, shop windows selling hosiery are empty. Women buy socks in giant quantities - brothers, husbands, boys, fathers, etc. At the same time, as shown by the pre-holiday social surveys of men who dream of such a gift, there is practically none. Really, is it really such a scarce and necessary product that can not be bought on ordinary weekdays, without timing for some festive event?

The same applies to perfumes and shower gels. Some collect items of 5-10 similar sets, which the guy will not be able to use for several years. True, there are exceptions-representatives of the stronger sex appreciate a good, high-quality perfume. There is another plus - a young man will blagodat exactly the flavor that like the gift of his girlfriend, and not an incomprehensible cologne, bought in a hurry on the way to work.

Good gifts for the guy - leather gloves, purses, business cards, briefcases, handbags for car documents. Dear, beautiful, status things like almost everyone.

If you donate expensive gift do not allow funds, you can purchase it together with invited friends or look for an inexpensive analog.

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