/ / How to Attract a Guy Who Likes From a First Look

How to Attract a Guy Who Likes From a First Look

So, when you are determined to learn how to attractyou should remember that the process of turning yourself into a girl who likes men should start long before you meet the guy of your dreams.

So, to begin with, it is necessary meticulously and criticallyevaluate their own strengths and weaknesses. After all, in order to please a guy, you need to draw his attention precisely as a guy, and not as a colleague or friend. The main thing when answering the question "How to attract a guy?" Is the presence of an excellent mood and impeccable appearance. The first thing that men pay attention to is your posture and sexual gait. It means that a woman knows and feels her body perfectly. Therefore, go with your shoulders wide, showing your beautiful breasts. Also, men pay attention to how you are dressed, what your hair, make-up and manicure. After all grooming is very appreciated by men.
But do not rush to extremes. After all, a huge neckline, a mini skirt and a too bright makeup can only hurt, and not help in such a case, as to attract the attention of the guy. It will be enough to wear such clothes, which would emphasize your figure and hide the flaws. Yes, and do not forget about the heels.
It is necessary that makeup only slightly emphasizes your personality. If it's hard enough for you to choose a make-up for yourself, then you can turn to the stylist and remember what is best for you.

Appearance plays a huge role, because when you meet you must have a high self-esteem. And it directly depends on how you look.
And now this moment has come - you liked the guy. How to attract the attention of a guy? In order to get to know him you needjust look into his eyes. And the view should last no more than a couple of seconds. To do this, catch the young man's gaze, stay a little, and then, as if embarrassed, lower your eyes.
There is one method, in order for your viewinterested in the guy. It's just necessary to imagine first kissing with him, but before doing this, you need a training so that you do not look vulgar. Thanks to this simple technique, your eyes will look much more attractive.

Another way to "hook" the guy is a smile. When they meet, they pay attention to the girl with an open, charming smile. So you just need to demonstrate it, and it's already yours.

If you are in the same company aswin a guy then? Just you can contact the guy with a request or question. Again, you need to hold your gaze, so that he realizes that you are interested in him. Much important will be the ability to maintain a conversation with him, as well as express your point of view. If you have the courage to defend it, then consider that you have 90% success in your pocket.

And yet, you can be even a little cheeky andhard, because men by nature are hunters, conquerors, and the prey, which itself sails into their hands, is not needed and free; even in cases in which he himself takes the first step. Therefore, you should give him a little play, give him the opportunity to show his sexuality, masculinity, etc. "And how to continue further communication, how to attract a guy?" - you ask.

Quite often it happens that after the firstcontact you are in a state of euphoria. You already feel in love and affection for this person. But all the same it is not necessary to hurry up. It is worth giving yourself a little time to carefully weigh and evaluate everything. Think about whether you want to be with this person? And if you curb your emotions and include common sense, then you will come to the answer to this question yourself. But most importantly - be yourself, and if all, you want to improve a little, you do not need to make drastic changes. We hope this article helped you figure out how to attract a guy at first sight.

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