/ / How to carry new shoes - traditional and non-traditional methods

How to carry new shoes - traditional and non-traditional methods

Counters of shoe stores pleasantly surprise anddelight in the variety of all kinds of couples. Attention attracted shoes of interesting models, modern, often extravagant styles. It is they who most often bring trouble in the form of discomfort and calluses. And, unfortunately, the fact that they will be tight, narrow, or for some reason uncomfortable, is found most often not immediately, but after a while after the start of socks.

how to carry new shoes

It is often only at home that newThe shoes are tight, and returning or exchanging them is not always possible. And what to do in this situation? Throw shoes on the far shelf? I would not like to ... Then the next question is: "How to carry new shoes?". Do not despair - it is quite possible, of course, if the shoes are not small for you in several sizes.

So, let's try to spread the shoes. The advice given in the article should help you not to lose a beautiful pair of new shoes without experiencing pain and other unpleasant sensations.

First, let's try to avoid trouble,related to the acquisition of tight shoes. To do this, it is important to follow such rules: it is more appropriate to buy at the end of the day - in the evening the legs have a tendency to swell, often insignificantly, and this can be imperceptibly externally, but it is necessary to be in tight shoes. In addition, the size of the leg may decrease when it is in the cold, so buying shoes on the street in the cold season may be a wrong decision.

Despite compliance with the above rules,Are the new shoes all the same close? Let's proceed to the next part, devoted to how to distribute new shoes. Below are some practical tips.

new shoes are tight

If the problem is detected immediately after arrivalhome with a new pair of shoes, you can try to spread the shoes, just putting them on periodically for a short time, stretching them gradually over the leg. In this case, you can lubricate shoes with alcohol, wax from a candle or soap. Thus, they can be carried out in a few days, without resorting to any other methods.

There are traditional ways of howcarry new shoes. For example, this is a service provided by shoe shops, called stretching shoes. It is produced with the help of special equipment with the use of means for drawing.

Another means is an independentpulling with a spray, which has the appropriate name - means for stretching the shoes. The spray is quite affordable and convenient to use - it is applied to the shoes that need correction, after which the shoes can be worn.

Also available is a device that performs the samefunction as the spray. It is equipped with special movable pads, capable of moving, pulling out those places that need to be pulled. The purchase of such a device can be the best tool for problem pairs of shoes.

carry shoes tips

If for some reason these methods do not suit you, and you are still wondering how to distribute new shoes, do not despair, because there are other, folk remedies.

One of them - stretching shoes with wetnewspapers. For this quite a large number of them stuffed shoes. Important: the more, the better - as much as it fits to the maximum. After that, do not do anything, you just have to wait until the newspapers dry. After that, narrow shoes should become wider.

Another way is to wet a problem pairalcohol. This substance can be replaced with cologne or vodka. Handling shoes from the inside (this is important, because alcohol can damage the skin), you should put it on your feet on thick socks. So walk until the shoes dry.

Do not forget that it is better to stretch the lining of genuine leather shoes, which, as a rule, so has the property of taking the shape of the foot without outside interference.

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