How to choose and what to wear women's jackets?
So, windbreaker - outer clothing made of raincoatfabric, with or without lining. Many people think that the windbreaker is combined only with the clothes of the sports style, but this is not so, and if you want, you can pick up skirts, trousers and shoes under the windbreaker without much difficulty.
First, it is important to decide what you needwindbreaker: where you will wear it, what functions it should perform. If the task of light outerwear is simply to protect it from wind and rain, it is easier to choose it than in cases where the fashionista wishes also to emphasize her individual style. In fact, the ideal thing should harmoniously combine all the qualities, including functionality and style.
Thirdly, the windbreaker should be light andcompact, because the likelihood that you will need to carry it with you in case of bad weather, is great. Pay attention to whether the material is easily crumpled. If the windbreaker crumples at the slightest touch, you are unlikely to be satisfied with such a purchase.
Choice of fabric
Since women's jackets can be worn in the summer,and in the spring and autumn, it is important to pay special attention to the quality and type of material from which it is made. In most clothing stores you can find leather jackets, as well as jackets of leatherette or raincoat. The material should not only be beautiful, but also waterproof and durable. There are women's jacket-windbreaker with a dirt repellent effect. Among other options - jackets from fleece, denim and other fabrics.
Color and style
With what to wear?
If you see a cool windbreaker in the store,which suits you in all respects and very much like, immediately go over in your head all your wardrobe. Think about whether you have clothes with which you can wear a new purchase. Classic women's windbreakers can not be worn with sports shoes, and if you plan to wear a jacket under a jacket, he should never look out from under her. Short models are better combined with trousers in the style of "casual".