/ / How to weave braids from 4 strands: instruction

How to weave braids from 4 strands: instruction

Probably, every girl who has long enough hair, most of the time braids her curls in a braid.

Advantages of braid

This situation is due to the fact thatPigtail is easy enough to make. Plus, this hairstyle can last for a whole day. Moreover, braided hair is not subject to tangling. But, of course, sooner or later the standard braid, which is usually created from three parts of hair, is simply bored. Today we will tell you how to weave braids from 4 strands.

how to weave braids from 4 strands


In fact, it is only at first glanceit seems that it is difficult to make this hair. If you look at how to create a braid of 4 strands in stages, you will realize that there is nothing complicated in such a weaving. For example, we'll show you how to make an original hairstyle using an additional element. So, let's begin:

  • The first thing you need to do is to braid a small braid of three strands.

  • Then pick up the remaining locks and divide them, in turn, into three strands.

  • Number the strands from left to right. So, the fourth part under you must be under the third, but on top of the second.

    how to weave braids from 4 strands

  • Next, it is necessary that the fourth strand is under the first, and the first was under the second.

  • The first part should be above the third, but under the second.

  • The third strand should be under the fourth, and part number two, in turn, cover the fourth.

  • The final stage will be the production of side strands of weaving. If you do it right, then you will get a haircut with an extra pigtail in the middle.

Well now it became more or less clear how to weave braids from 4 strands. In the photo in the article we gave a clear example of what will result from such efforts.

spit with ribbon 4 strands


This hairstyle is suitable for both dailysocks, and for special occasions. But if you are going to an event, your head should not look day to day. That's why we'll tell you how to make a braid with a ribbon (4 strands). With this hair style, you will look amazing on any holiday.

Scheme of weaving braids from four strands with two ribbons

In order to implement a conceived hairdo, you will need a comb, tape, wax for stowing unruly curls.

  1. The first thing you need to do is to divide the hair into 4 strands and fix on one of them a ribbon, tying it with a knot. It's up to you to decide exactly which color the ribbon will be.

  2. Count the strands from left to right. After that, place the ends of the tape so that they are between the first, second, third and fourth parts of the hair.

  3. Put the first strand on the second, while passing through the ribbon. Do the same with the third and fourth.

  4. After that, cross the ribbons with each other.

  5. Take the first and fourth strands and put them inside the ribbons.

  6. Next, you must pass the end of the fabric over the second strand, which, in turn, must lie over the first. The same must be done with the third and fourth strands.

  7. After that, you should get a braid of 4 strands, the layout of which is similar to the one described above.

    spit with ribbon 4 strands

There is nothing complicated in this kind of weaving. After a little practice, you can start a more complex hairstyle. It will include elements of French weaving.

How to weave braids from 4 strands, you will understand after the first workout. The most important thing in this case is patience.

braid of 4 strands in stages

Will you fit a braid of four strands

In fact, this hairstyle will suit a woman inany age. In addition, a braid of 4 strands can be worn with any clothing. Also recall that it can be braided for a solemn occasion, as well as for creating a daily image. You can make a haircut like under shorts with a T-shirt, and under a business suit. In any case, your image will be complete, and the head will look beautiful and neat.

braid of 4 strands scheme

Additional means for weaving

In order to understand how to weave braids out of 4strands, you need to know not only the technology, but also the tools that will be required in the process of creating a hairstyle. Of course, the first and most necessary is a comb and an elastic band for fixing the hair at the very end. In case you need to save your hair for the whole day, you can easily use the fixation tools, such as lacquer or mousse. In addition to simple gum, you can apply a variety of tapes, beads, coins and even fresh flowers during the weaving process.

In conclusion, we note that such a hairstyle asa braid of four strands, can not only save you from tangling your hair, but also make your image gentle, calm and sweet. Plus, you do not have to worry about the question of whether this hairstyle will suit your toilet, or you will need to change your costume, or even give preference to another decoration of your head. After all, a braid of four strands is suitable for all occasions of life.

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