/ / How to spin a scythe: the advice of professional masters

How to weave a scythe inside out: advice of professional masters

A new trend in fashion hairstyles is the elementunder the name "plait inside out". How to weave the braid "inside out" and how to model its various variations? Professional hairdressers share their secrets. Having mastered this original weaving, you can make a wide variety of everyday and solemn hairstyles even to yourself.

how to weave a plait inside out
Braiding the plait inside out

This weaving is quite easy to master. The main condition is not to hurry up and be extremely attentive. Before starting work, prepare hair: carefully comb and lightly moisten. You can weave dry hair, but the moistened will be more docile, and the work will go easier. Even if the hair is thin, the volume of the hairstyle will seem luxurious at the expense of the braid inside out. Photos of various options will help to make sure of such a visual effect of such a weaving. Very extravagant look such braids on the hair, painted in several colors or shades.

Stages of weaving

In contrast to the usual classical braids braidsinside out has one characteristic feature: strands during work neatly intertwine, laying not over the central strand, but strictly under it. This is all the difference, but thanks to this technique, the braid is obtained airy and as if elevated above the surface of the main hair. Luxurious effect!

How to spin a scythe inside out to yourself?

scythes inside out the photo

Choose a place from which to begin your weaving. This will depend on the version of the hairstyle. The spit can be one, going from the vertex down to the neck - start with the crown. If two vertical braids are planned, divide all hair by a straight parting in two parts and also start work from the crown area. Asymmetric braid is more convenient to start over the left ear 4-5 cm above. "Crown" weaves from one ear to another.

The technique of how to weave a scythe inside out is simple: separate a little hair and distribute it into three equal strands of hair.

Now you need to alternate strands the same way as insimple weaving, but at the same time start them only under the central string. During the weaving should be added to each weave strand a little hair from the bulk. The scythe will become thicker.

You can direct the scythe in any direction - for this you need to keep it as close as possible to the desired trajectory.

braid plaiting inside out

Securing the finished braid with a rubber band orhairpins, it is worth giving it even more volume. To do this, very carefully spread the waves of the braid, evenly pulling them in opposite directions. This must be done by moving from the beginning of the work towards the end of the spit.

Hairstyle for a wedding with a scythe

Since weaving the scythe "inside out" is not very difficult,you can think about how to create a festive or even a wedding hairstyle with her help. If the hair is pre-prepared (wound from the roots and slightly combed in the parietal area), then weaving several braids will form a silhouette of the romantic hairstyle for the bride. It remains only to fix the work with varnish and decorate with flowers or rhinestones. Hairstyle for the most solemn day in the life of a girl is ready!

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