/ How to shape the eyebrows?

How to shape the eyebrows?

Eyebrow correction is a simple procedure forthe implementation of which is enough to give 10-15 minutes. However, full registration takes much more time. It is not enough to pull out unnecessary hairs, you also need to know how to shape your eyebrows. This procedure is performed almost once, in the future you will simply carry out the correction according to the old outlines.

How to choose the right shape of the eyebrows? Attach the ruler to the wing of the nose, connect it to the inner corner of the eye. The point of intersection with the eyebrow note, this will be the beginning, in front of it you can safely pluck all that is superfluous. Do not tear off the ruler from the wing of the nose, move it to the outer edge of the iris. The intersection point again, note, this will be the perfect curve of the eyebrow. At the end, the ruler needs to be moved to the outer corner of the eye. Crossing is the most harmonious end of the eyebrow. These are the three main points on which it is necessary to be guided during the correction.

How to shape your eyebrows, if they do not havequite standard? Here everything is just as simple, you only need maximum accuracy. If you have eyebrows with a too steep arc, remove the top layer of hairs from the bend. Do not get carried away by such correction, otherwise the result will be difficult to correct.

Unnecessarily thick eyebrows are enough to comb down, and all unnecessary carefully to scrape with scissors. Can shear and just a very long hairs that spoil the whole image and do not fit.

How to shape the eyebrows, if they are too straight? Here everything depends on your individual outlines. The standard way to remove unnecessary straightness is to slightly pull out the upper outer layer of eyebrows, as well as correct the lower inner.

With thin eyebrows it is necessary to work nottweezers, and a cosmetic pencil. Draw an ideal shape in the top area. Please note that your pencil should completely match in color with a shade of eyebrows. In this case, you can achieve an invisible cosmetic correction.

How to shape eyebrows that have an internalarch, lowered down? Here again, cosmetic aids are needed. You can also use tweezers, plucking the "fallen" arc, and drawing its new outline. If you do not want such a radical method, make up a section of the eyebrow that does not suit you with a light corrector, and draw an ideal line with a pencil.

Is it worth it to pluck the top layer of hairs? It all depends on your original eyebrow shape. If it is not sufficiently standard, such a procedure can not be avoided. At the same time, you should be as careful as possible, the principle "measure seven times, cut once" works here. With excessive correction in the upper area, you can give the person a very sullen expression, lowering his eyebrows.

It is also a very common mistake of women toplucking out unnecessary hairs. Excessively thin eyebrows are not relevant in modern fashion, besides they spoil the overall appearance of the face. Constant plucking can lead to the fact that the hairs will simply stop growing, and you will have to constantly correct your cosmetic pencil errors.

In order to learn how to make a beautiful shapeeyebrows, you need to read a few more recommendations. Correct yourself only in bright enough daylight, otherwise you can skip extra colorless hairs. Get tweezers with a beveled edge, it will achieve excellent clarity of lines, adjusted to a fraction of a millimeter. Buy a special mirror that has the property of increasing the image. With its help you will greatly facilitate your work. Tweeze your eyebrows regularly, at least twice a week.

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