/ / In the center of attention the color-type "summer"

In the center of attention is the color-type "summer"

Classification of appearance by color types - spring,summer, autumn, winter - rather conventional, because every woman on the planet is unique and beautiful in her own way. But, according to the theory of color types, each of the four types of appearance has common features, advantages that can be emphasized, and shortcomings that would be better concealed.

Many stylists, image-makers, designers for a long timeUse this theory, working on the creation of unique female images. Having determined their color-type, each woman can use useful recommendations that will help in choosing the optimal palette of cosmetics, basic colors of the wardrobe, hair color, style and accessories.

Color type
Woman Summer

Owners of this color type are many Slavs, and it is also common in Europe.

The color-type "contrasting summer" is feminine andsoft girls, a little mysterious and charming, they always blow cool. Women-summer are particularly delicate beauty, and knowing the color and color scheme of their type, they have even more opportunities to demonstrate their advantages.

Color of the skin

The color-type "summer" is a skin with a characteristicbluish backlight, light, transparent, with shades from pink to light olive and beige. Sunburn falls on the skin well, with a smooth nutty shade. The skin, due to closely located vessels, is sensitive, often redness occurs.

Eye color

Summer colorants always havecold shade eyes. Eyes can be gray, gray-blue, gray-kerosene, sea-green, light green, green-gray, nut brown with a brown iris. Proteins - matte, milky shade.

Hair color

The hair is necessarily a cold ashy shade,their color can be either platinum or straw, or medium or dark brown, smoky brown. Tsvetotip "summer" has hair as it were with the effect of "dustiness", they do not have reddish or golden ebb tide.

This color type has several subtypes, or coloring:

Bright summer: light eyes (light blue, gray, gray-blue), light skin (ivory, light beige, cold beige) and hair (ash blond, light gray, cold gray).

Natural summer: eyes are soft (gray-green, gray-blue, light-brown), skin of beige hues (light beige, ivory, beige), hair with ashy tint (light brown, brown).

Tsvetotype summer: clothes

Contrast summer: rich eye color (gray, gray-blue, blue-green), skin is tender pink, beige, pink-beige, porcelain, dark hair (ash-blond, dark brown, dark brown, dark gray).

Base colors of the wardrobe

You should not forget about the rule. If the color pattern is "summer", the clothes should be selected in accordance with the appropriate colors: the palette should consist of "muted", pastel shades.

The basic colors that are extraordinary to the face of thesewomen - blue, sky blue, light turquoise, tea rose, pale lilac, lavender, pistachio, violet, vanilla, mocha, graphite, wet asphalt, gray-brown and other muted cool shades. Blonde also fit light gray colors, and dark-haired - plum, purple-pink, pink-brown.


The color-type "summer" always emphasizesclothes of exquisite or romantic style, but it will also look beautiful woman-summer and in any jeans clothes. Effectively emphasize its merits classics.


Harmoniously look in the image of a woman-summer silver jewelry, items made of platinum or white gold, cold-transparent or opaque stones, amethyst, opal, aquamarine.

A palette of flowers in makeup

Color type
Because it's a cold color, in make-upshould adhere to a cold color palette. You can emphasize the eyes or lips, but in any case not all at the same time. Tone cream for the skin is better to choose matiruyuschy, and blush - pale pink, without gloss. For eyes, you can use shadows of cold shades - gray, green, blue, lilac, silvery. Ideally, the shadows are not liquid, but dry, matte. Lips can be emphasized with a lipstick closer to natural color or highlight more saturated shades of pink, crimson, coral, cherry flowers.

Hair coloring and hairstyle

Many representatives of summer colorconsider their natural hair color to be gray or faded and therefore resort to staining or toning the hair. To emphasize the appearance of your color can be a light, non-contrasting coloring of cold shades or melirovaniem strands in one or two tones. It is necessary to avoid "yellowness" and coloring in one tone. Decorate a woman-summer romantic hairdos with soft curls, airy or with the effect of an easy "creative mess", but clear geometric lines and strict "sleek" hairstyles and haircuts should be avoided.

Celebrities color-type "summer"

Natalia Vodyanova, Mila Jovovich, Maria Sharapova, Uma Thurman, Marilyn Monroe, Paris Hilton, Emily Blunt, Cameron Diaz, Bar Rafaeli, Scarlett Johansson.

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