/ How to determine your color appearance?

How to determine your color appearance?

Each nature has been endowed with certaincolor, which is characterized by the color of the eyes, hair, lips, skin. Features of a combination of these shades make color appearance. The theory of color-types was first formulated by Johannes Itten, a Swiss artist. According to her, people are divided into four types, corresponding to the seasons: "Spring", "Summer", "Winter", "Autumn". In the spring and

color appearance
In autumn warm colors predominate, and in summer and winter- Cold. Differences in the gamma of warm or cold colors are determined by the color contrast. For example, the winter blue is more saturated, clear, bright than the muted summer. Knowledge of this theory can be useful in creating an individual elegant image, when choosing cosmetics and clothing.

Identify the color appearance of theindependently, after a series of observations. First of all, it is necessary to find out what tone prevails in your natural color: warm or cold. Help in this will help the colored paper or fabric of certain shades. The first sample should be cold (bluish-pink). The second one is warm (yellowish-salmon-pink). In daylight, alternately hold the samples to your hands and face.
If the fabric of cold tone makes the skin of the face pale, lips acquire a blue tint, and with a "warm" sample the skin seems fresh and healthy, then your color

summer color-like appearance
appearance - spring or autumn.
If your skin becomes fresh withbluish-pink cloth, and yellowish-salmon makes the face weary and highlights the circles under the eyes, which means that you belong to the summer or winter color-type of appearance.

Determined with a tone, it remains to find out hiscontrast. Among the spring shades, yellow predominates. His cheerful colors are distinguished by brightness. The autumn scale is based on red, therefore, the colors will be more saturated, heavy, contrasting, earthy. Summer shades are characterized by a light, washed out, muted blue subtle. In winter colors, blue also prevails, but it is brighter and clearer.

If your color-like appearance is spring - youpale, transparent skin, warm peach blush, golden hair color. Choose clothes warm, tender pink and pastel shades. Avoid dark and dazzling white tones.

determine the color-type appearance

The summer color appearance is represented by people withashy or light-brown hair color, light skin with olive or pink hue, blue, gray-green eyes. They are recommended to use blue, purple, plum, crimson, pink. Black and gray tone is better to exclude.

Autumn colors have people with red hairhair, brown, green, gray-blue eyes, with ivory skin. Their main gamut in clothes should be represented by warm colors: yellow-brown, apricot, brick, orange and khaki.

Winter tsvetotip appearance represented and dark-eyed dark-haired people with light (sometimes a bit dark) skin. They will approach the cold, but saturated colors, all shades of pink, black and white.

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