/ / Design of short nails

Design of short nails

When communicating people often pay much attention toappearance of hands, grooming and quality of manicure. Modern fashion designers have long ceased to consider meek nails ugly. Some women simply can not afford to have long nails. In addition, a small length is very convenient in the domestic plan. Also often the choice of this size is based on an insufficiently good condition of the nails. They constantly break down, fray, which does not allow them to grow longer than a certain length. The buildup of short nails does not always save the situation. After all, the formulations that are usually used for such a procedure adversely affect their health. The design of short nails involves strict adherence to certain rules. Breaking them, you can severely spoil the appearance of the hands.

Design rules

Experienced masters of manicure do not recommend cuttingnails under the root. It is best to leave at least a millimeter. This will protect the nail from getting infections. There is no universal length for all types. It all depends on the specific situation. The length of the fingers and nails should be completely in harmony.

Design on short nails can not tolerate extreme measures. The minimalism is most suitable here. Do not use too large items that can block the nail. Do not draw too large elements or attach large crystals to the little finger. Similarly, it is not recommended to use a fine drawing. At a small size, it will be too indistinct and incoherent. The design of short nails by no means tolerates the use of more than three colors. This is one of the basic rules of composition - do not create congestion.

Volumetric elements and acrylic modeling are not suitable for short nails, they do not tolerate it well.

The form requires great accuracy. It is better to refrain from experimenting and to associate it with the shape of the cuticle. In terms of graphics, bright floral compositions are more suitable for oval and oblong. The design of short nails, executed in dark color with a minimum number of graphic elements, will look good on square and straight.

Manicure Options

One of the most profitable options for smalllength is the French manicure and its varieties. The design of short nails allows you to use a wide variety of colors, from classic to the most daring combinations.

Nails can be decorated with graphic drawingsreasonable parameters. You can also use abstract patterns. It is recommended that you select the shades of a single gamut. A light floral pattern will add romanticism to the image. It is worth considering that the basis is best to take light varnish. The flower should be placed on the side of the nail plate, it should not overlap it. Since the small size does not like the fine drawing, you should not get carried away with details when creating graphic elements. Rhinestones, sequins, beads and other large bulk decorations should be avoided if possible. If necessary, it is preferable to place them closer to the root.

There is not always time and opportunity to createnails graphic drawings. Therefore, it is allowed to use a conventional one-ton coating. You can apply varnishes with the effect of cracking or magnetic. Also do not forget that even short nails need thorough care. Before applying the varnish, you must make a nourishing tray for the nails, and then apply the cream on dry hands. You also need to pay attention to the cuticle and, if necessary, use oil. It not only improves her health, but also helps to strengthen with frequent use. Regular care and care of the beauty and health of the nails will allow them longer to please you with their appearance.

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