/ / Technology of rejuvenation - mezonite. Feedback on effectiveness

Technology of rejuvenation - mezonite. Feedback on effectiveness

The youth of the skin is an integral part of beautyappearance. To look good is to feel good, to have success in business. That is why many seek to maintain the appeal and extend it. Aesthetic medicine today offers quite a lot of techniques and tools for rejuvenation. The most popular of these today are the mezoniti. Comments on the method of introducing special threads under the skin are very different. Some patients are delighted and are going to continue the procedure, while others complain that they threw money away. What is this technique, what are its advantages?

mezoniti reviews

3D Mesonity

Comments of women who were satisfiedprocedure, speak about excellent results. Patients immediately noticed the effect: the skin was tightened, the shapes of the face and body became more structured. The method of reinforcement with yarns appeared not so long ago and has already gained popularity. However, due to the novelty of the procedure, there are many disputes about the consequences that are difficult to foresee. The technique is based on the installation of threads from biodegradable material, which completely resolves in 3-4 months. With a thin, flexible needle from medical steel, they are implanted into the deeper layers of the skin and create a lifting effect. The technique is effective, but requires knowledge of anatomical features of the structure of the skin and facial muscles. Indications for the appointment of the procedure are age changes, the effects of cellulite and liposuction. Mezoniti (photo), comments about which are so ambiguous, were developed in Korea. The effect of returning to the tissues of a tight state is that the introduction of threads provokes the muscles to contract and soft relaxation. And microcirculation at this time is not violated. The introduction of threads perpendicular to the axis of the muscles leads them into a tone and strengthens them. Tissues, reacting to implants, form collagen fibers that serve as a framework and support the turgor for 1.5-2 years.

mezoniti photo reviews

How to enter the mezonite?

Patients' comments are like painlessnessthe procedure itself, and the absence of unpleasant sensations after it. Discomfort in normal installation can only be in places where the skin is punctured with a needle, which disappears after a couple of days. In addition to perfect knowledge of anatomy, a specialist must know the technique of introducing strands. The long-awaited effect depends on this. After all, if something goes wrong, then the situation may worsen, and instead of the natural outlines of the face, compelling seals, tubercles and irregularities will appear. Trust your beauty with proven professionals who have a lot of experience! Mezoniti is a combination of a thin, flexible needle that is a conductor, and a resorbable suture material, based on polydioxanone. After the thread fixed on the sharp end of the needle is inserted, it is separated from the conductor and remains in the tissues. Local anesthesia is done only for patients who have a pain threshold high enough. In general, the installation process lasts half an hour.

3d mezzanine reviews

Mesoniti, whose reviews are so contradictory -A perfect alternative to surgical facial plastic surgery. All manifestations of discontent of patients after their installation (asymmetry of the face, the effect of "accordion") indicate a lack of experience and practice in the doctor.

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