/ / Gel Nail Extensions

Gel extensions of nails

Gel build-up is an alternative to requiringtime and effort nail care with vitamins and fortifying agents. Those who decided to do manicure for the first time in this way, want to know if the procedure is harmless to the health of nails.

It should immediately dispel doubts: gel is harmless to nails, the very procedure of solidifying the material under ultraviolet rays also can not harm a person. There is, however, artificial nails one drawback of a different nature: gel nails rather fragile, so the demand is very reverent attitude. Even temperature changes can lead to the appearance of microcracks.

At present, there are threewhich is used to increase nail gel: one-, two- and three-phase. The first system is based on the fact that one component fulfills the functions of the coating material, the means for bonding and modeling, as well as the component providing strength. The second - includes two components, one of which is necessary for adhesion to the surface of the nails, and the second provides their strength. The three components of the last system are responsible for their function: grip, modeling and nail shine.

Gel extensions are performed using forms ortips. Gel today is the most popular among all used for the behavior of the procedure of materials. Sometimes the buildup is called porcelain or glass.

Before the procedure, it is necessary to washHand and treat them with a spray disinfectant. Remove excess moisture with a lint-free cloth. Then manicure scissors cut off the free edge of the nail. Apply a softener to the cuticle and push it away with an orange stick.

The free edge of the nail to be processed with a nail file. Then remove the top layer from the surface of the nail file with a semi-circular shape, clean it until a milky-matte shade is obtained.

Gel extensions require that the surfacenatural nails was fully prepared for the application of the material. To do this, dust is removed from it, degreasing is carried out with a nail polish remover.

Individually for each nail are selected bydimensions and form of tips. In width, they must exactly match natural nails. The shape of the free edge should repeat the line of the internal notch on the tip.

On the inside of the tipsy need to be neatapply glue, apply it at a slight angle to the tip of the nail, and then slowly lower it and press it firmly against the natural nail. After 10 seconds, remove the excess adhesive with a tissue. Then the nail is given the necessary shape with a nail file.

Only after this it is possible to conductdirectly gel build-up. On the surface of the nail a modeling gel is applied with a thin layer using a brush. The agent should lie flat on the plate evenly at the center and sides to form a natural oval. To evenly distribute the gel, the hand should be turned for a few seconds. Dry nails are required under the UV lamp for 3 minutes.

When the first layer hardens, it is necessary to apply a second one similarly. To distribute the gel, first turn your hands over, and for drying in the lamp, increase the time by one minute.

Complete the procedure by removing the adhesive layer from the nailswith the help of a special liquid. Treat the surface of the nail with a nail file, grind them to a perfectly even condition and cover the finish gel to give them a mirror shine. After this, the nails can be covered with a colorless varnish or base under the varnish.

Correction of nail gel is required when theya little otrastut. Updating the synthetic coating is necessary with a certain periodicity, which is determined by the speed of growth of nails, their condition and peculiarities of care.

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