/ / How to properly pin your eyebrows: tips and tricks

How to properly pin your eyebrows: tips and tricks

One of the most expressive parts of the face iseyes. But a very big role is played by eyebrows. After all, if you have them neuhozhennye and overgrown, then your appearance will not be attractive. Therefore, you need to monitor the shape and condition of the eyebrows very carefully. Make them correction is not difficult. To begin with, you need to decide on several questions:

1. What tools will be needed?
2. With what form of eyebrows do you look chic?
3. In what place and how to pull out the hairs?
4. How can I make the correction not so painful?

how to properly pin your eyebrows

How to properly pin your eyebrows: tool selection

First prepare the workplace and tools. You will need tweezers: the line of their connection should be even and without slits. It is very convenient and easy to hold tweezers with rings like those of scissors. Tweezers with wide jaws allow you to make corrections quickly.

A very important tool is a mirror. It is best to pinch your eyebrows at the dressing table and a large wall mirror. Do not use a pocket, in them you can not properly control the symmetry of the shape.

Wadded disks and lotion are also needed for thisprocedures. If you decide to change the shape of the eyebrows for the first time, then buy a white eyeliner. Thus, you can draw the shape you want over the eyebrows. And then you will immediately understand: what hairs need to be removed and what to leave.

How to properly pin your eyebrows? What form is better to choose?

For each type of face, the shape of the eyebrows is different, it will not be ideal. Do you have a round face? Then the eyebrows should make it visually more elongated. For this purpose, a slightly sharpened bend of the eyebrows fits.

If you are the owner of an oval face, then the best option will be eyebrows with pointed tips and a soft curve.

Do you have a triangular face? Then try not to overdo it, do not make the eyebrows very round.

For an extended face, the eyebrows should be made in the form of a straight line.

eyebrow correction

Owners of the square form of the face should choose a pointed form.

If you are not sure that you can do it yourself, eyebrow correction in the salon is an ideal option for you. You will be picked up the form, and in the future you will simply support it.

How to properly pin your eyebrows?

The process of plucking the eyebrows is very painful. To reduce the sensitivity of the skin around the eyebrows, use the frost. Before the procedure, draw a piece of ice on the eyebrows, this should cause numbness of the skin. You can also use a hot compress. Pores will expand under the influence of heat, and the hairs due to this easier to pull out.

How to properly pin your eyebrows: tips

To make the shape of the eyebrows correctly, you need to know a few subtleties. Correction should be carried out in daylight so that you do not miss thin hairs.

how to pluck eyebrows
Before the procedure follows:
• cleanse the face and eyebrows with lotion;
• Wash the hands;
• wipe the tweezers with alcohol.
Relieve pain can be as follows: stretching the skin with one hand, the other one needs to grab the hairs with the help of tweezers closer to the root and sharply pull out. A few hairs immediately pull out is not recommended, because you can make "bald spots." For symmetry, pull out two eyebrows in parallel. After correction, always wipe them with lotion. Redness is removed with cotton swabs soaked in cold water.

Want to create a beautiful and regular shape of the eyebrows? Adhere to the rule of the three lines. They indicate where the eyebrows start and end and where there should be a break. From the wing of the nose through the inner corner is the first line, and where it will intersect with the eyebrow - this is the place to start. From this point to the bridge of the nose all the hairs must be plucked. The point of bending is determined as follows: a pencil must be attached to the nose wing, then directed through the pupil of the eye to the eyebrow. The bend point is the intersection point, but you should point the view straight ahead. From the wing of the nose to the outer corner of the eye determine the end of the eyebrow. Crossing with an eyebrow means the place where it should end. If your eyebrow does not reach this point, then you can correct the shape with the help of shadows or pencil.

A few tricks

1. Do not use a cream to soften the skin. In this case, the hairs slide, and the procedure will be very painful.
2. Use the magnifying mirror for a neat correction.
3. Pluck your eyebrows on weekends or in the evening, because the redness and swelling passes after a while.
4. Attention! Your eyes seem more expressive when the brow is as high as possible.

Now you know all about how to pinch your eyebrows. Just do not forget to clean up the grown hairs. Agree that it is easier to maintain a form than to do a correction anew.

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