/ How to grow a brow.

How to grow a brow.

There are many reasons that affect poor growtheyebrows or their loss. This is the lack of vitamins, and lack of care, and the effect of the thyroid gland, and much more. However, how to grow eyebrows and improve their condition, special skills are not needed.

Of course, many will preferprofessional products containing vitamins, minerals, bioactive components that promote intense hair growth. Before you start using these tools, you need to carefully study the instruction, because there may be contraindications that need to be considered. As a rule, in a month you can already observe significant changes in your appearance.

But to grow eyebrows without reviewing their dietpower will not work. There are people for whom a slim figure is in the first place. Therefore, they observe different diets, as a result of which the body receives less certain vitamins, and eyebrows suffer from this defect. The products that are the source of protein must be included in the diet: fish, meat, cheese. Also vitamins of group B are very important: kefir, cottage cheese, eggs of chicken, liver. Vitamin A is rich in milk, butter. Strengthening of hair and eyelashes is promoted by products containing vitamin E: vegetable oils, nuts, cereals.

In the question of how to grow eyebrows, will help their easymassage, which you need to do every day. It increases blood circulation, promotes nutrition of hair bulbs. This significantly affects the condition of the eyebrows as a whole.

Folk remedies are very goodassistants in this matter. The leading place is castor oil. If you use it daily, you can achieve a positive effect in three weeks. Before going to bed (about an hour before it), you need to put oil on your eyebrows, and then rub your eyelashes with a cotton swab. In addition to castor oil, peach seed oil produces a good result.

Many people are interested in the question of how to grow eyebrowsfast. Pepper tincture will help to solve this problem. To do this, in equal proportions, dilute the pepper and water. This mixture with cotton pads should be applied to the eyebrows and take a horizontal position for two hours. A very important point: this product should not get into the eyes. Two or three procedures a week will be enough.

How to grow eyebrows, everyone decides for himself, andmeans selects for itself the most acceptable. But every little thing influences the growth and their healthy appearance, including the removal of make-up. For this purpose, melt the lanolin in a water bath and carefully grind it to a homogeneous mixture with petroleum jelly. Add glycerin here. Everything is taken in equal parts, applied to a cotton swab, and then carefully wiped eyebrows.

A compress made ofpeach oil. Small cotton balls should be soaked with warmed oil, put on eyebrows and cover with small strips of paper, preferably parchment. All this is fixed with a bandage and hold for fifteen minutes. Instead of peach oil, you can use oils such as sea-buckthorn, almond, castor oil. The effect of this will not change.

To correctly understand how to grow eyebrows, you must, first of all, adhere to the proposed recommendations and strictly observe the proportions in the preparation of certain mixtures.

A good result can be achieved with the help ofthe following composition: you need to take flaxseed oil, not more than half a teaspoon, and mix it with five drops of castor oil and two drops of camphor. Rub this mixture daily, until the expected result.

For those who wish to lighten their eyebrows for two or three tones,will help a weak chamomile broth. Chamomile flowers are taken in the volume of one tablespoon and are mixed in one liter of water. Then it should be boiled, filtered and cooled. Twice a day, this broth is carefully rubbed into the eyebrows.

These simple recommendations will help anyone who wants to see their eyebrows healthy and attractive. And to give them a beautiful form is a matter of technology.

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