/ / PowerPoint - what is the presentation and basic secrets, of which many do not think

PowerPoint - what is the presentation and basic secrets, of which many do not think

After the appearance of computers, the compilation processpresentations came to a new level. He was good before. There were special boards on which hand-held slides were hung. And it really was good. But after the projectors appeared and the PowerPoint program itself (what is it, we will now disassemble), the situation has somewhat improved. This program allows you to easily and conveniently present any information. However, it has its drawbacks, which we will also consider in this article. So, there is a lot of material, and time is short - let's start.

A little about the program

Powerpoint what is

The format of the computer presentation is veryconvenient. It can be displayed both on an electronic board with a projector, and on the computer of a small audience of people. Among other things, PowerPoint will help students or school children to finish the material. In general, its scope of application is truly wide. And that's why PowerPoint gained such popularity. What is this program?

This is a program designed to create suchpresentations. She has all the tools necessary to work on her content. Alas, but now more attention is paid to form. And meaningless, but incredibly beautiful phrases deceive people, not giving them anything. Maybe this is what you need to do? And why is PowerPoint a scourge of modern presentation culture? All this will be discussed in the "Criticism" section.

If we talk about the benefits of this program, then no one can challenge them:

  • Convenient interface for designing presentations.
  • Selection of ready-made designs with the possibilitychanges in their individual elements. These designs are called templates. What is a PowerPoint template? This is actually a set of graphic elements that together create a design unity. Simply put, design.
  • Templates for headings, lists, diagrams, tables and other means of visual presentation of information.
  • Creation of a brilliant slide takes literally five minutes if there is an information base.

Such advantages, of course - it's good. But it is impossible to create at least a normal presentation, if you completely rely on the program. Still, the user's responsibility is primary. And do not twist. What needs to be done to make the presentation give smiles and sales?

The right presentation is the way to sales

What is a Powerpiont presentation

What is a PowerPoint presentation? These are not trivial letters and graphics. It's boring. No one will be interested in such a presentation of the material. And what do you need? Speech. Yes, that's it. Here a huge number of people are ready to be upset, but there is nothing difficult in a competent speech. That's what a PowerPoint presentation is, not trivial slides.

And even the most tongue-tied speaker, performing datatips, make candy from your presentation. After all, what is shown on the screen depends 30% success. Yes, they can determine the fate of the presentation. But if a person can not do anything competently, then it is unlikely that the audience will be interested in viewing the pictures. So what do you need to do?

  • Speak vividly, artistically, openly.
  • Sincerely admire what you tell us about the presentation in particular.
  • Less text - more sound. This is the simplest secret of the genius of the presentation of the material. You do not need much text. Why? Instead of listening to you, the audience will read the text. And he will not be so brilliant as your well-organized speech. Remember this.

And the most important rule. You do not need to think anything. Just do as the soul tells you. And only then analyze the errors, which should not be feared.

Where did PowerPoint show its effectiveness?

What is microsoft powerpoint

This program has shown its effectiveness in a huge number of areas:

  • Education. The presentation of material in the form of a presentation with skillful voice accompaniment is much more effective than a school board.
  • Marketing. Still, where still it is possible to show so much informative schedules which magic of figures can zazombirovat minds of potential buyers, how not on presentation?
  • Training. This is somewhat similar to education. But there is one nuance. Presentations are not only an incomparable form of public speaking, but also a remarkable method of abstracting. Millions of students around the world have already tried all the advantages of this format.

And this is not all spheres. In fact, presentations can be used everywhere. It was this computer program that changed the world. Nothing to say - in simple lies genius. Now you do not have to ask "What is microsoft PowerPoint". After all, the whole world knows it.

PowerPoint Analogs

What is ms powerpoint

Naturally, we do not have an advertising article. Therefore it will be correct to show analogues of the well-known program for creating presentations from Microsoft, and to criticize this product a little. Let's begin with the enumeration of two analogs:

  • Google Slides. Naturally, this service is leading due to the fact that with all the basic functions this service allows you to work on a presentation simultaneously from several devices. And it's really convenient. You do not need any USB flash drives. I just started working on the work computer, I continued in the minibus in the phone, and then the bang - it was discharged. But why waste time? There is a tablet. While we have not reached, it is possible to work on it instantly. (Although it was more practical to reverse the comparison, it's still convenient to make presentations on the tablet). And then came home - and zakochili. Another great advantage of this service is multiplatform. With it you can work on both PC and Mac, and on iOS with Android.
  • Similar functionality is provided by the creation servicepresentations from the "apple" company. It is available only on their devices, but in some respects it can be done in a moment like Google Slides (which has only basic functions and a fairly poor amount of templates), and PowerPoint itself, which is its main competitor. And here also there is synchronization. But in this century it is a trend.

These are the competitors that need to be testedto each. What is MS Powerpoint? It's almost a monopolist. And practice has shown that monopoly has never played to the benefit of the market. So use actively products from competitors.

What should I hate PowerPoint for?

What is a template in powerpoint

However, let's slightly criticize PowerPoint. The benefit is not difficult. There are a lot of shortcomings in this system. The problem is that such a popular program dictates the terms of the presentation system on the market. And in this aspect, the same Keynote from the "apple" company simply copies the same system. But in fact it is initially bad. Why?

Because when a person prepares material theses(namely such a system for this program), then he does not think about banally connecting them among themselves. And it turns out that the speaker instead of a live performance just lists the main points.

That's why so many poor speakers are obtained. However, you can change this. Simply people are lazy and do not want to try to do everything at the highest level. Even with such a bad format, you can make a high-quality presentation. But very few people do it. The format is bad. But nothing better came up. What is characteristic: creating a presentation is really easy. It is important only to try.


We figured out what PowerPoint is, whatsuch a template in it and considered a huge number of other aspects related to this program. But only you can decide what to use. In principle, the program is worthy. But since the rules in this market dictate Microsoft, then in the next five years no special changes can not be expected. So the market for presentation programs is almost stagnating. But this is bad. Stagnation is the first step towards degradation.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with the programpowerpoint. What is the correct presentation, we have already figured out. It's just that the ideology is from the box of Microsoft. Therefore, people are lazy. But it's okay.

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