/ / How to add a device to Google Play - instructions

How to add a device to Google Play - instructions

If you are wondering: "How do I add a device to Google Play?", Then you probably recently purchased a brand new smartphone. And this article will give you an informative answer. In addition to the usual instructions, I will add a few recommendations from myself that will help to effectively use your phone. So, next we'll present the instruction on the topic: "How to add a device to Google Play".

how to add a device to google play


Before proceeding to the examination of theinstructions, we will determine the necessary means and introduce a little clarity. Many users do not even know what Google Play is, but they want to add their device to it. "Google Play" is a special service that was created by Google. The goal of this project is to help owners of phones on the "Android" platform synchronize and configure their device. Through this service, you can install applications on your smartphone, without even touching it. This is achieved, of course, through wireless Internet networks. To add a device to Google Play, you must have an Internet connection on your phone. Further, this process is considered in more detail.

add device to google play


Regardless of the model and firm of your "Android" device, the instruction for all is one. Since the common interface is almost the same on all smartphones.

  • Go to the phone settings menu. As a rule, it has a gear icon.
  • We are looking for the item "Background mode". We choose it.
  • Click on the button "Add account".
  • You should have a list of social networks and mail services. We are only interested in Google.
  • We read all the rules and click next.
  • Here we are offered to create an account "Google" orenter the data of an existing account. Choose one of the options. The Google account is a mail account created in the Gmail server. Registration takes place in minutes, just enter your name, surname and desired mail. Therefore, if you do not have an account, you can quickly get it.
  • Once you have created, or selected the "Login" option, you enter the data entry menu. Enter your email and password from it.
  • After a few minutes, the device will be added.

additional information

If you did not know how to add the device to theGoogle Play, you probably do not know how to handle this service. You can log in from your computer to the site of this service using a previously created account. Here you will see a lot of applications, games, books, movies, and more recently, music. And all this is available for download. Some content is paid, but there is also a free one. On this site is the largest database of applications for "Android" devices.

google play how to add a device


The question (regarding the Google Play service) "asadd device "is set by almost every new user of phones on the android platform.Developers of devices try to make this process as easy as possible so that everyone can understand this system.But, as practice shows, not all cope with this problem on their own. helped you understand how to add a device to Google Play.

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