How to download from the Play Market in Crimea: the most simple methods
In view of all known circumstances from the pastyear on the peninsula of Crimea, Google and Apple services, namely Play Store and AppStore, stopped working. The reason for this was the sanctions imposed by the United States of America (and both companies are American), addressed to the inhabitants of the Crimea. For many, this confluence of things has become a real tragedy.
Almost every resident, especially young people,There are gadgets for which you need to install the software and update it in a timely manner. In this regard, a very relevant question arose: "How to download from the Play Market in the Crimea?". Fortunately modern technologies are far from perfect, and any ban (remembering at least cases with the blocking of torrent trackers on the territory of the Russian Federation) can be circumvented without any problems.

Change provider
For those with technology "on you", you shouldPay attention to one of the simplest options - changing the provider. Recently it became known that a number of providers began to support the work with the services of American companies. One such is SevStar. Data on the work with the Play Market should be clarified with the operators themselves and the communication providers.
APK-files (pirated, hacked versions of applications)
Android - the system is open, I mean hasopen source, therefore subject to burglary. When it comes to the loss of personal data, it is very bad and dangerous, but in situations like the one that has developed due to sanctions, this is in the hands of the user.
In the vastness of the Web, you can find almost anyan application that is distributed through Google Play, so, before you download from the Play Market in the Crimea, you can try to find the right "software" somewhere else.
It is enough to drive into the search engine the name of the applicationDozens of fan sites with links to downloads appear to the user's eyes. It is important to note that to install APK-files, you must select "Allow downloads and installation of applications from third-party sources" in the device settings. The main thing is not to miscalculate with the choice of the site from which the APK-files will be downloaded.

Third-party store installation
To not dig on different websites and notpick up viruses, you can resort to installing a third-party store. One of these is available from the Russian company "Yandex" - Yandex Store. It can be downloaded on the official website of the company. The service is completely safe, all applications are checked for malicious software. Moreover, it is also profitable, 10% of each purchase is returned to the bonus account, and then can be spent on new purchases.
How to download from the Play Market in Crimea using VPN
The easiest way to bypass the lock (while leaving all the usual services in place) is to install the application to work with VPN (or use the built-in).
Enthusiasts have already created a free VPN-gateway, which allows you without any problems to access the Play Market. So how to download in the Crimea from the Play Market?
- First you need to go to "Settings".
- Then go to the advanced settings of the Network ("More").
- Select the VPN subpoint.
- Smartphone "will ask" to come up with a pin-code to work with VPN (you can think of any, including graphic).
- Next, you need to specify the server data.
- Server:; Login: merkel; Password: nigga.
- Then you need to register DNS -
- All access must be open. Before downloading from the Play Market in Crimea, you need to clear the cache and reboot the device.

If you do not want to bother with the settings, you canestablish a third-party solution. You can find it on the web as an APK file. A good option is the TunnelBear application, but it requires an account registration. Moreover, the service is limited - it is possible to download no more than 500 megabytes of traffic. The restriction can be removed by paying a premium account.
Not so long ago the notorious Norwegian officeOpera, actively advocating for data protection, started developing their own VPN-service, and free. You can install Opera VPN on any device (both iOS-based and Android-based). There is no need for registration and payment, just quick and unlimited access to the VPN.