How to make apple Notch in "Maynkraft": tips
How to make an apple Notch in "Maynkraft"? Any player who fell into a stalemate in the game, wondered this question. About the apple there were legends even during the release of the beta version. On the forums, players shared their views on the way the craft is done.
Before you make an apple in Notch,Think about why you need it. Because the search for resources can take a long time. Apple gives a short-term effect, from which there is no sense at the usual time. First, it adds four additional units of health. They are restored, regardless of external factors every half-minute. Also increased protection from fire. All these bonuses are extremely necessary in difficult situations. For example, when falling into a lava or fire. Or if you are surrounded by a crowd of dangerous mobs. But extreme situations are difficult to predict. Therefore, just in case, always keep the apple at hand.
Many players always take the item with themduring a trip to the Lower World. This is due to the great danger that awaits there. And also with an abundance of fire and lava in the locations. Effectively in the fight with the Efreet, whose drop is needed for the enchantment table.
How to find an apple
Many players begin by searching for gold bars. But how in "Maynkraft" to make Apple Notch without, actually, the apple itself? And the search for this block is much more complicated than it may seem. Apple can be obtained only from the leaves of an oak tree. Oak can be identified by the dark brown color of the wood. Blocks of foliage are destroyed quite quickly even with the help of a hand. But the chance of falling out of an apple is extremely low. Therefore it is better to use scissors. They craft of three iron ingots. The usual blockade of the scissors block the foliage is destroyed in a split second.
How to make a golden apple Notch in "Maynkraft"
After harvesting an apple, you need to look forof gold. It comes across more often than diamonds, but less often than iron. At the same time, it is impossible to extract gold ore with the help of a wood picks. Most gold in the caves. As a rule, at medium levels. After its extraction, the ore must be melted down on the furnace. As a combustible material, you can use coal or wood. In total you will need eight ingots. The object is crafted on a workbench.
Now that you know how to make an apple in Notch in Maynkraft, you can safely go to the Lower World.