/ / How to make villagers in "Maynkraft"

How to make village residents in "Maynkraft"

So, today we will talk with you about how to"Maynkraft" make the inhabitants of villages and cities. In addition, we will find out why they are needed and what they are. Perhaps, these are some dangerous creatures, who will then follow us all the time ?!

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We are acquainted

So, who are the residents of Meincraft? In fact, it's none other than the most common mob-people. Outwardly, these little men almost do not differ from the main character. That is from our player. But if you installed the mode in Maynkraft for the residents, then most likely, each new character will be different from the previous one.

Why do we need residents? To begin with, it is worth knowing that it was the man who was the very first mob in the history of the game. Initially, it was treated as "monster". Nevertheless, such men were not dangerous to the player. And now, too. If you are thinking how to make inhabitants in "Maynkraft", then you need to know why they are needed.

Mob Functions

To begin with, this is a pure variety for the game. After all, seeing the world like this will be very pleasant. Moreover, the men do not pose any danger to your character. So why not create a friend then?

In addition, the villagers are very usefulcharacters. After all, in cities and villages with them you can contact. Namely, to trade. At the inhabitant for different resources (for example, crystals) you can redeem any necessary objects to you. For example, something valuable, but what you now can not get yourself. So the trader in the game will not hurt.

maynkraft fad on residents

Plus, game people can haveany specialization that will definitely help you. For example, a farmer or a blacksmith. They will allow you to make various deals with them, depending on their specialization. Now let's talk in more detail about how to make residents in "Maynkraft".

Egg of Invocation

So, the first option that you canuse to address our current issue is to use a special recruitment egg. True, this method is available only in the "creativity" mode. Nevertheless, this method is present in the game. But what is the egg of the call? Let's figure it out.

The egg of call-up is nothing but the mostordinary chicken egg, endowed with a specific ability to create any mobs. With their help, the player has the opportunity to make a creeper or, for example, a zombie. In general, any living thing that only meets in the game world.

How in "Maynkraft" to make residents with the help ofeggs calling? First, take out the required item. After that, it's quite easy to apply it to a free area and wait a bit. In general, call eggs can be crafted from a chicken egg and some object belonging to a mob. But not for residents. Here you can only get the item using the give command. But there is one more variant of the development of events.


Zombie, become a man!

But how in "Maynkraft" to make people without anythere are eggs? Is it possible? Of course. To do this, you need to find a zombie. That's why we will make a new man for our world. True, you will need to find several resources and make a special potion of weakness that rushes into the zombies. What does that require?

You need to find an apple. It comes from foliage. True, it will be difficult to get a resource. It hurts a little chance of falling out. Then find the gold bar. It is made of gold nuggets or corresponding gold blocks. Align the apple with the ingot. Learn a golden apple. Now we need to boil a potion of weakness. It will require the eye of a spider, a vial of water, sugar and gunpowder. In addition, you need to find a mushroom. Combine it with the sugar and the eye of the spider and boil it. Recipe the resulting potion with the addition of gunpowder and water. Now find the zombie and throw him a potion of weakness. And then with a golden apple. Wait a bit, and it will turn into a person. That's all.

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