/ / How to change screen resolution in Windows operating systems

How to change the screen resolution in Windows operating systems

Surely, everyone has friends withrather conservative views. Such people do not hurry to change their habits and the order of things to new ones, despite the arguments given about the "golden mountains" and potential advantages. It was with this person that I once happened to talk about monitors. During the discussion, we touched upon the quite logical question of how to change the screen resolution. Since then, several years have passed, and that conversation is sometimes still remembered. True, now we just laugh.

There is no doubt that people like minefriend, still meet. They are not particularly interested in how to change the resolution of the screen, because once exposed it seems the best (of course, subjectively). Since the time of the CGA monitors their owners had the opportunity to choose the resolution, although at that time it was almost not claimed. With the advent of SVGA monitors and graphical interfaces of the Windows operating system, the situation has radically changed: there have been adherents of resolutions 800x600, 1024x768, etc. Now nobody remembers the CRT-based monitors, because in the yard the century of liquid crystal models, and the Windows system is not stood in place, and evolved to the eighth version. Accordingly, the answer to the question of how to change the screen resolution became a bit different, taking into account modern realities. Now the recommendations for CRT monitors are only partially correct.

Before answering how to change the resolutionscreen, you need to decide what, in general, understand these words. The video adapter displays an image built from a set of pixel points. Look closely: the picture on any TV or monitor consists of the smallest points. The upper left corner is taken as the origin, which is zero. The number of horizontal points is the first value, and the vertical number is the second value. That is, at a resolution of 1680x1050, 1680 pixels horizontally and 1050 vertically are displayed on the screen.

On Windows 7-8 systems, the question of how to changethe resolution of the screen, is solved very simply: it's enough to press the right mouse button on the free area of ​​the desktop and select "Screen Resolution". Moving down (up) the slider in the "Resolution" menu and clicking the "Apply" button, you can correct the image. In Win XP, let the settings slightly different: Properties - Screen Options.

If this system can not be usedfunctions, you can use the auxiliary programs. For example, the well-known Power Strip application allows you to not only switch permissions, but also prescribe your own number of points.

All monitors created on the basis of TFT-technology(liquid crystals), provide an ideal clear picture only in a single mode, called native or native. Usually this is the resolution with the largest number of points that Windows recommends for use. Nobody forbids to choose others, but then there is a kind of "zamylnost" image, caused by the action of the adaptation mechanism. Trends in modern software are such that the more points are displayed, the more convenient it is to work with a computer, and too small parts can be easily increased.

Another way to change the resolution of the monitorIs the use of the capabilities provided by the driver of the installed video card. For example, owners of AMD video adapters (formerly ATI) can quickly change the screen mode. To do this, on the catalyst icon in the system tray, you need to click the right mouse button, open the active adapter menu and select the desired resolution in the "Set the desktop area". The changes will be applied immediately, without unnecessary questions. A similar tool is also available in competing solutions. They are launched in the same way (the names of the tabs may differ).

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