/ / Archiving is ... Data Backup Windows 7

Archiving is ... Data Backup Windows 7

Surely every Windows user ormobile gadget encountered the concept of "archiving". This is what, now we will try to clarify. We will especially mention the issue of the role of this process in data recovery.

Archiving: What is this?

First, in starting to study this question,you should immediately say that many users often confuse archiving with archiving. In fact, the process is somewhat similar to archiving, but it has a more complex algorithm that deals with reserving space for storing data on disk space.

archiving this

Actually, if you understand, archiving is the creation of a copy of an object / object, the system image, the state of the settings, or all that is on the hard disk or in logical partitions.

Archiving and archiving: similarity and difference

For those who do not see the difference between these two processes, it is worth making a comparison.

It seems very much, but there are enough differences. For example, the archive, in which some data is placed, is created only to reduce the size. Some modern archivers allow you to compress data two or more times.

windows archiving

But the archiving system works somewhat differentlyprinciple, although it also involves data compression (but not at the physical level). For example, archiver programs like WinRAR create an archive from which you can then extract the data, and the Windows backup creates, rather, what is called a backup. Do you feel the difference? This is not packed data (although in a sense compressed), but images containing information about all installed applications, user files and settings. After all, for sure many faced the problem of restoring data and settings, for example, on Android-systems. But about this - a little later.

Archiving: general principles of action

Now let's see what isarchiving. This, in fact, a system for creating backup copies of the contents of a computer or mobile device, reserving a place to store this type of data, and the ability to recover from damage to the system or its critical failures. In this case, we are dealing with a virtual copy rather than with a physical one.

Windows systems

In Windows systems, in a sense, this isIt recalls the work of programs that allow you to recover data after deletion. The point is that on the hard drive the files are not destroyed even after the removal from the "Recycle bin".

archiving system

They are assigned a specific index, most oftenconsisting of the symbol "$", replacing the initial letter of the name. So here - archiving documents of any type is done not only with the compression of the volume, but also with the renaming of files. You can not open copies created by using this process.

Mobile Systems

Quite often, and in the settings of mobileDevices you can find sections on archiving and recovery. In fact, in them archiving is the same as in computer systems. But here when creating a copy, several other methods are used.

First, compared to Windows-based systems,which offer to save the image exclusively on the hard drive, mobile systems operate in a more extended version. For example, the same "OSes" like iOS or Android offer the user the choice of saving information. So, you can choose either the device itself or a removable card (in the case of Android, since Apple's gadgets do not support removable media), or even a remote server in the form of a cloud storage (Google Drive, for example).

Backing up and restoring data: how does it work?

As for the operation of the archiving system, thisseparate question. The point is that the virtual copy of a given file is reduced to not copying it in full size, but to reduce it by dozens of times.

In general, if anyone noticed, the image of the system itselfor the hard drive occupies almost the same disk space as the original files. For example, when you specify an archive with a disk that has 200 GB of memory, clogged user files and heavy programs (for example, sound banks of virtual synthesizers such as Kontakt that do not compress at all), the system will offer to reserve about 140-150 GB (at best) . It is clear that to use even DVDs in this case is absolutely impractical (after all, 31 pieces).

windows archiving

When creating only the system image withoutcopying of user's files places it can take can be three times less. It will take 60-70 GB (minimum 40-45 GB for Windows 7, 8 or 10 version). In any case, to create a copy in terms of memory hard disk will have, as they say, to fork out. Note that the size of the copy is absolutely independent of the hard drive capacity. Whether you like it or not, the system will reserve the space itself.

archiving of documents

As for mobile gadgets, this featurealso provided. In this sense, archiving is the same as in stationary systems, but here only places to save data, in comparison with the same "Windows", it takes much less. At the same time, it is very easy to save the image of the system and all files that are, for example, on a removable memory card. On the same card, you can save an image of the system that does not significantly affect the disk space of the removable media.

Copies of system images and disks: how to create and restore?

What's in Windows is that in mobile systems the functiondata recovery is inherent from the very beginning. True, Windows 10 archiving makes you think. The system reserves so much space that it is impossible to imagine.

archiving and recovery

On the other hand, let users do not yell. The appearance of the same blue screen of death with a memory dump error says a lot.

archiving windows 10

Maybe this is correct. After all, when problems begin with the restoration of the system's working capacity and all that was on the hard drive or in logical partitions, it will not be laughable. And the "ten" makes, apparently, two copies: one is responsible for the parameters of "OSes", the second - for user programs and files. So, before you delete directories with data on recovery, think a hundred times.

What in the end?

In general, it seems, it is already clear that archiving -this is a backup of data. Do not confuse the concept of archiving and archiving, although somewhere and in something they are very similar. However, it should be clearly understood that backups in any system are almost a key, when later (after unforeseen disruptions), it may be necessary to restore the system, and even more so of user files that could be erased.

In this review, somespecialized utilities for information recovery. However, I think, within the framework of the topic, this is not necessary. Well, programs that allow you to produce processes such as archiving and recovery can be found as many as you like. Take, for example, the utility Acronis Disc Image, and everything will become clear. It's easy to work, and in one or two clicks. And this is not the only program that allows you to perform actions of this kind.

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