/ / Monitor 240 Hz: which one to choose? Review of the best models and reviews

Monitor 240 Hz: which one to choose? Review of the best models and reviews

The computer is useless without a monitor. This component of the system allows an ordinary user to work. However, it is important for multimedia, including for computer games. A monitor of 240 Hz is a dream of every person who regularly uses the computer for any purpose, requiring a long concentration of attention on the screen.

240Hz monitor


Monitors are different. From obsolete and extremely primitive screens with a kinescope, to incredibly clear curved displays, only a few millimeters thick.

In the epoch of convex screens about a 240 Hz monitor, evennot dreamed. At that time, such simply did not exist. I had to be content with what was. Due to the imperfection of the technology, old displays have caused significant damage to the user's eyesight. The screens quickly magnetized, attracted dust and flickered. Work for them was uncomfortable and unpleasant. Most often after a long session at the computer, the person's eyes and head ache. But the age of such monitors is over. They were replaced by more perfect, but also obsolete for us - monitors on liquid crystals. They did not flicker, but they could not boast of a good refresh rate. In the most expensive models, it reached 60 Hz.

Flat screens like consumers, and thistechnology has developed rapidly. In just a few years not only various screens appeared, but also very good matrices. A special exclusive line of gaming monitors always had an increased refresh rate. Today the most comfortable, convenient and safe displays are 240 Hz monitors.


All monitors with such an impressive frequencyupdating of the staff is the safest in the market. The change of frames occurs so quickly that the human eye is unable to notice it. Even after 60 Hz it is difficult to see the difference in frequency with the eyes. Between 100 and 240 Hz this difference is not noticed at all, but nevertheless it is. The picture is very smooth. Its sharpness and clumsiness disappears. Even the fastest scenes will be clearly and comfortably visible.

benq zowie xl2540

In addition, most of these displays are basedon a process matrix. An obsolete TF matrix is ​​almost never used anywhere. The most popular is considered to be IPS. Due to its color rendition, juiciness and clarity of the picture, it has become popular with many people. Do not concede to it and matrix with technology Amoled.

The most perfect 240 Hz monitors on the market are based on curved matrices. Many people believe that this is just a marketing ploy, but this is far from being the case. All these people are mistaken.

Crooked world

The bend of the display gives the user a feelingpartial immersion. Speech about virtual reality does not go, but the sense of the volume of the picture is already valid. Particularly wide monitors use peripheral vision of a person. In addition, the bend perfectly repeats the roundness of the human eye. This is what makes it possible to spend much more time behind the screen without serious consequences for vision. A curved world has very few shortcomings, mostly it has only advantages.

The high refresh rate of the monitor only playsfor good. The image on this screen is not distorted, even if the resolution is incompatible. For this reason, many games do not use the entire surface of the display, but use only the central part. Excess surface is painted in perfect, juicy and inconspicuous black color. The only drawback is the high cost of the monitor and incompatibility with half of the games.

which monitor to choose

A Comprehensive World of Games

Computer games are an important part of lifemany people. Playing, I would like to be immersed in the game universe as much as possible, to give myself entirely to it. Unfortunately, it is impossible to experience with a cheap display. Too much depends on the picture to be neglected. Game 240 Hz monitors are created specifically for gaming. However, this is a marketing ploy. The world's largest electronics manufacturers make good money on gamers. The super-expensive price of such a screen is determined by the brand and design. It is enough to buy a regular monitor with a sufficient update rate.

Laws of the market

Thinking about the acquisition of such a qualitymonitor, each buyer starts flipping magazines and websites of manufacturers. By and large, everywhere, all the goods are the same and this is a big problem. Which monitor to choose? There are a lot of them, they all differ in value, but they are also unequivocally cheap among them. There are only a few basic tips to follow.

  • Only a time-tested producer. If there is a choice between Chinese manufacturers and more expensive Japanese or European - it is best to choose the second option. Acquiring expensive equipment, you can not save. Chinese products, although cheaper, but the percentage of marriage there is much higher, and the percentage of return of low-quality goods - lower.

  • Never follow an advertisement. Advertising, this is not the engine of progress, but a way to sell goods at an inflated price. It is for this reason that the choice should be made in favor of those models that lag behind for one generation. They can be much cheaper.

  • Check compatibility several times. Owners of weak computers should not think about a monitor with a frequency of 240 Hz. Weak systems are not compatible with such a demanding device for displaying graphic information. At best, the monitor will operate at a frequency of 60 Hz, and at worst it will not work at all.

  • Conventional wide-angle monitors are much cheapercurved. The reasons for this are obvious and lie on the surface. Bending matrix and in production is more expensive and more in demand. Consequently, monitors with a conventional matrix are cheaper.

Which monitor to choose? Anyone who will fit at least 3 tips. This will not give a 100-percent guarantee, but will significantly reduce the risk of an unsuccessful and extremely expensive purchase.

monitor refresh rate


Benq is a popular electronics manufacturer fromTaiwan. The company in the world market for many years and managed to earn the trust of millions of users. Hundreds of thousands of the most positive reviews make her a name, and it's not surprising. This manufacturer has an extremely small percentage of rejects, many new models keeping pace with current trends. In particular, innovations have touched exactly the output devices of information. The company Benq 240 Hz monitors released a long time ago. Of course, most of the model range is conventional ultra-wide monitors, but there are also curved monitors. Yes, these are very expensive specimens.

monitor benq 240 Hz

Kid XL2540

Game monitor Benq Zowie XL2540 not at all"Baby", especially for the cost. However, it is much smaller than many screens of the same class with it. Its dimensions are not impressive, however, like the resolution of the display. It's old, but it's familiar to everyone, 1920x1080. The monitor is not bent, it is straight and not even ultra-wide. For work, it does not fit more than absolutely, but for gamers - the very thing. In addition, you can install on the sides of the display a special protective visor that will help immerse the user in the gameplay.

The matrix is ​​TN, which is not very good. On the market for several years there are monitors on more modern matrices. The cost of this specimen fluctuates around 25,000 rubles. For many it will seem cheap, but this amount for the standard resolution, outdated matrix and the most common display is expensive.

Gamers Benq Zowie XL2540 attracts exactlyrefresh rate. Despite all the shortcomings, it's an excellent monitor. High frequency, minimalistic design, protective visors, old, but improved matrix - this is what average gamers take it for.

game monitors 240 Hz

Popular Models

In addition to the model, there are others, no less popular. The competition "baby" is:

  • DELL U3415W is an ultra-wide monster. It is allocated by enormous energy consumption and at a cost of 50,000 rubles. Incredibly demanding on the components of the system.

  • ASUS ROG Swift PG258Q - curved, incredibly clear, pathos and huge. Works only with powerful personal computers. It costs about 60,000 rubles.

  • ViewSonic XG2530 - not as expensive as previous models. It costs only 30,000 rubles. Small and beautiful. Resolution and diagonal are standard. It is based on TN matrix. The best competitor is Zowie XL2540.


We are used to the fact that all the reviews aresubjective view of the subject. But not in this case. Surprisingly, the reviews coincide. Negative feedback on monitors with a frequency of 240 Hz, from Benq and other brands, very little. They are lost in positive. Devices of this level can not be bad. Yes, there are always drawbacks, but they are not critical.

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