How to use cheat on "Blockade" for money?
Pixel graphics - this is a real find forindependent developers and at the same time quite a dangerous path, which must be followed very carefully. The find is for the reason that it takes much less resources to create a minimalistic game than to create this graphic masterpiece. And this means that more attention can be paid to the plot and content. And it is here that many developers have problems. The fact is that large projects sometimes may not have an original idea, a powerful plot or a game variety, since they have incredibly bright graphics, realistic physics and other similar aspects in stock. If you simplify your game to pixels, then you need to make sure that it has other strengths, like, for example, in the unusual shooter "Blockade". However, it will now go not specifically about him, but about cheating on the "blockade" for money, as it is their lack is the most discussed topic among gamers.
Downloading the reader
Just pay attention to the fact that the cheat on"Blockade" for money is not built-in, that is, you will not enter it from the keyboard, as in many projects, but will download. It is a separate program that you need to run in parallel with your game. But first, download this program, which can be called differently - for example, Blockada gold cheat. On the site it can be written that this file is antivirus-proof and safe, but you better not trust what is written on the network. After downloading the cheat, check it with one, and preferably several antivirus programs and activate only if it is completely safe. Such programs often spread viruses, so excessive circumspection will never hurt. Well, now it's time to find out how the cheat works on "Blockade" for money.
Browser selection
When you open a cheat on the "blockade" for money,before you open a window in which you will need to perform certain actions. Disassemble them in turns. So, the first step is choosing the browser. You need to decide which browser you are playing in the "Blockade", so that the cheat can be guided by your choice in finding an active game. Remember that you need to start the cheat when you have already started the game itself, so that there is a connection between them. For the game "Blockade" cheat for money is distributed for free everywhere. So do not pay attention to the offer to buy it, because the functions it can not differ - both the choice of the browser, and the rest, which will be discussed further.
After choosing a browser, you definitely needCheck the "Antiban" checkbox, as this is a very important point. "Blockade" is a game, cheats for money are under strict prohibition. And if the anti-cheat program tracks that an invasion of the program part of the game from your IP-address, then you can get a ban for using cheats. To hide this fact, you need to tick off the box marked above - so the invasion will take place under cover, and you will significantly reduce the risk of being banned.
The last step in this adventure is the definitionnecessary amount of money. It would seem that it's worth thinking about - you need to enter the maximum amount of money and do not strain yourself. But in fact, everything is much more complicated. In addition to the anti-cheat program, the game is monitored by administrators who can notice an incredibly high increase in funds on your account. This can cause questions and lead to punishment for you. Therefore, choose the amount within reason to be able to spend it quietly, without causing suspicion to anyone. You can always use the program a second time.