How to hide a Windows folder on a computer or laptop
Many users of the Windows operating systemare interested in how to hide the folder on your computer. This feature is useful if you are using a computer that is also used by other people - for example, family members or co-workers. After just a few simple steps, you can make any file invisible to other users. In addition to the standard setting of hidden files, you can make the file icon and its name transparent. Thus, to open this file becomes possible only if the user knows exactly where this file is located on the desktop, as well as in any folder you select.
First, create a new folder in the selected directory. Right click the mouse, then select "New" -> "Folder". So, a new folder will be created in this directory. Renaming is currently optional.
Click the right mouse button, hovering overcreated folder, select "Properties", then "Settings". Then, click the Change Icon button. Review the middle of the proposed settings, and you will see transparent icons. Just select one of them, then click "OK" -> "Apply" -> "OK".
Name your folder at your own discretion. Click "Rename" and then instead of typing the folder name, press the combination "Alt +0160". Simply put, you must hold down the Alt key, and dial the specified combination of numbers. After that, the folder you created will become invisible.
If you are interested in how to hide a folder on a laptop, you must hold the "Alt" and "FN" keys simultaneously, and only then enter the numbers "0160". Then release all keys and press Enter.
The following steps are also instructions for how to hide a folder on a computer or laptop.
Right-click on the iconfolder or file, and select the item called "Properties." When the window pops up, look at the bottom of the window and you will see the attributes. Check the "hidden" attribute and restart the computer. You will immediately see that the icon of your file or folder is no longer displayed.
You can create multiple non-displayed foldersand files on your desktop, because when you perform a combination of hiding on the keyboard again, you use a different space. It must be remembered that such a hidden folder is not 100% invisible. Today it is possible how to hide a folder easily, and discover it - there are various ways to search and open such folders.
For example, hidden folders in Windows 7 can be displayed after the following steps.
Double click on the icon with the name "Mycomputer ", click" Tools ", then" Folder Options ". When the window appears, select the "View" menu on the top tab. Find and select the "Show hidden folders and files" tab, click "OK" or "Apply".
In addition, to find hidden folders and files with transparent icons in Windows 7, you must perform the following actions.
Go to the "Start" menu and select the "Search" command. When the pop-up window asks for the search parameters, select the "Files and Folders" item. Enter the name of the file or folder you want to search. Also select in the drop-down list the local disk on which the desired file was saved, and in the setting - search for this disk.
After you have completed all the steps described above, click on the "Search" button. After a few minutes the search will be performed, and the file will be displayed in the middle of the window.