/ What is RAM. Maximum RAM

What is RAM. Maximum RAM

RAM (RAM, RAM) - one of the mostimportant components of the computer. It is she who decides whether your PC will draw a new game or better to immediately abandon this insane venture. Like every component of the computer, the "operative" has its own classification and parameters. In its types and types, we now try to understand.

What is RAM?

main memory maximum memory

In fact, the RAM is"Mediator" between the hard drive and the processor. To ensure performance in the "operative", those processes and tasks that the CPU needs to process at a given moment are postponed. This is exactly what RAM does. The maximum RAM that can be installed on the computer will cope with these tasks many times faster.

The OP has its own characteristics. Bus frequency, volume, power consumption and much more. All these parameters we will discuss below. In the meantime, let's move on to the types of RAM.

Types of "RAM"

the maximum frequency of the processor's RAM

In times immemorial there have been such typesRAM as SIMM and DIMM. They should not be stopped now, because they have not been produced for a long time, and it became impossible to find them. Let's start right away with DDR. The very first DDR memory was released in 2001. It could not boast of high performance and volume. The maximum frequency of the first DDR was 133 MHz. The result was not very "smart" memory. The maximum RAM at that time was about 2 GB per one "bar".

With the development of technologies a new type has appeared"RAM". They called it DDR2. The main difference from conventional DDR was the operating frequency. Now it was 1066 MHz. Very good performance gain. And in a couple of years DDR3 was released - the most popular type of RAM now. 2400 MHz - this is the maximum frequency of RAM. A processor capable of supporting such frequencies at that time was not yet available. Therefore, Intel and AMD had to urgently produce something that can work with such "RAM".

Maximum volume

windows 7 maximum memory

The volume of "operative" plays an important role in itsspeed. The higher the volume of the "bar", the more information it can hold. Now the size of the "RAM" is measured in gigabytes. It plays a decisive role in whether the computer "pulls" powerful software packages and games. But there are volume limits on the part of the system. As an example, let's take the OS from Microsoft Windows 7. The maximum memory that this system can work with should be 16 GB and not more. Windows 10, for example, is able to work correctly with the "RAM" of 128 GB. It is also worth noting that the 32-bit OS can not interact with the amount of RAM more than 3 GB. If your "RAM" is 4 GB or more, then you definitely recommend a 64-bit OS.

In our time, the optimal volume of OP for the averagecomputer can be called 8-16 GB. However, if you need a powerful gaming machine, then you can not do without a 32 GB RAM. If you decide to do video editing, then you need a very large RAM. Maximum memory should be from 32 to 128 GB. It should be noted that this is quite expensive.

As for laptops, it is necessary to increasethe amount of "RAM" to infinity will not work. Usually laptops and netbooks are equipped with only two slots for memory. Therefore, to increase the "operativku" for them is quite difficult. In many ways, the maximum amount of RAM in the notebook depends on the motherboard and the processor used to build the laptop. Usually motherboards are designed for 8-16 GB of OP and there is no way to increase this limit.

Memory frequency

how to find the maximum memory

DDR3 memory modules are able to workat frequencies of 1333-2100 MHz. To choose the best option for your computer, you need to know what frequencies are supported by the motherboard and the processor. Most motherboards work with frequencies of 1333-1600 MHz. If you select a frequency of 2100 MHz, then the performance gain will not be particularly noticeable against the backdrop of the extremely high price of "RAM" and the motherboard supporting these frequencies. This is an option for very crazy gamers.

Among inexperienced users,the question "how to learn the maximum memory." There is an excellent program AIDA 64. It will provide full information about the OP computer. There will be a maximum frequency, and volume, and type. The program provides just as much information about other components of the computer. Definitely, everyone should have such a product. Then many questions will disappear by themselves.


Now we know what RAM is,maximum memory and its frequency. You can safely choose the OP for your computer. Basic knowledge is enough to equip the PC with the most advanced "RAM".

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