/ Who played Khalisi? The actress who embodied the image of Deyneris Targarien in "The Game of Thrones"

Who played Khalisi? The actress who embodied the image of Deyneris Targarien in "The Game of Thrones"

Hardly there is a fan of the sensational series"The Game of Thrones", which can not answer the question of who is the Mother of Dragons, Khalisi. The actress, who embodied the image of the last representative of the deposed Targarien dynasty, became a star precisely because of this role. What is known about Deyneris and the Englishwoman Emilia Clark, who brilliantly played it?

Khalisi: an actress who played Deyneris Targarien

The future "queen in exile" was born inLondon, it happened in October 1986. Provincial town Berkshire - the place where she spent her first years of life "Khalisi". The actress does not belong to the number of stars born in families far from the world of theater and cinema. Emilia Clark's father worked as an audio producer, participated in the creation of many famous musicals.

Khalisi actress

Legend has it that the girl decided to becomeactress, when at the age of three first came to the theater. Parents supported her dream, allowing Emilia to visit the drama circle that worked at the school of St. Edward. The first theatrical productions with the participation of little Clark were warmly received by a few then still viewers, which allowed the future star to further establish his intention.

Education, theater

After graduating from school, took the first step in the directionto his dream of "Khalisi". The actress became a student of the London Drama Center, which became a voucher for many movie stars (Paul Bettany, Tom Hardy, Anne-Marie Duff). Even in her student years the girl began to play in the London theater of drama. The first bright role Emilia Clark received in 2007, she embodied the image of Anna Petrovna in Chekhov's play Wild Honey.

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To attract the attention of spectators and critics of the beginningactress also helped the next role. She was invited to the play, the plot of which was borrowed from the work "Pygmalion", written by Bernard Shaw. It is known that this was the first major role played by the future Khalisi on the stage of this theater. The actress embodied the image of Eliza Dullittle.

In her student years Emilia had a chance to play in many performances that deserved the positive reviews of critics: the Inspector, Hamlet, Substitution, Midsummer Night's Dream, Wake up and Sing.

The beginning of film career

Of course, the first series, which was shotClark, was not at all a "Game of Thrones." Khalisi actress began to play only in 2011, while her television debut dates back to 2009. The girl was invited to the TV project "Doctors", she received a secondary role. The show was favorably received by the audience, but the role of Saskia Mayer, played by Emilia, did not bring her fame.

Khalisi actress photo

In 2010, Clark repeated her attempt toits existence to the world. "Attack from the Triassic period" is the first fantastic film in which the future Khalisi was shot. Actress Emilia Clark tried on herself as the brave Savannah. Her character became a young girl who is forced to participate in a bloody battle with the unexpectedly returned to the world of live dinosaurs.

"Game of Thrones"

In 2010, actress Clark still hadmaterial problems, which forced her to rent an apartment together with friends. The need to earn money in several places at the same time, denying myself a dream and rest, did not force a stubborn girl to surrender and choose another profession. Of course, luck did not take long.

khalisi actress emily clarke

Take part in the casting for the role of DeynerisTargarien Clarke suggested an agent with whom she was working at the time. Emilie never read the work of George Martin, the plot of which was put in the basis of the script "Games of Thrones." However, I was eager to play the queen in exile, learning that this character will become one of the brightest in the new television project.

The main contender for the role of Deyneris at that timewas Tamzin Merchant, but the creators for a long time could not finally decide on who will play Khalisi. As the name of the actress, who will embody one of the key images in the new series - a question that for several months occupied all the fans of the saga "The Song of Ice and Flame". The result was Clark.

Starring role

Hardly Emilia could assume that she would becomestar after the release of the first series of "Game of Thrones." However, millions of spectators were delighted with her character - a beautiful, brave and determined representative of the Targarien dynasty, who dreams of regaining her kingdom. Clark had a difficult task: she had to show how her character changes, turning from a helpless victim of circumstances to the mistress of her own destiny. Awards, positive reviews of critics and love of fans show that she brilliantly coped with this task.

Khalisi as the actress

Brunette Emilia did not have to part with her hair color. In a gentle blonde she turns with a wig. At the moment she plays Deyneris already in the seventh season of the popular TV series.

Of course, not only in the "Game of Thrones" had timeto withdraw during these years "Khalisi". The actress, whose photo can be seen in the article, also embodied the image of Sarah Connor in a fantastic action movie "Terminator: Genesis." In addition, it can be seen in the comedy "House of Hemingway", the drama "Spike Island". The last at the moment, the tape with her participation - "Until we meet you", "Voice of stone."

Personal life

About the private life of Emilia Clarke information is small, soas she does not like to share with the press stories about her romantic relationship. It is known that for a while her boyfriend was the Hollywood director Seth MacFarlane. Also, the star was credited with a love affair with Keith Harrington, who plays John Snow in "The Game of Thrones," but the gossip was not confirmed.

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