/ / Architecture of Ancient Egypt during the reign of different dynasties of the pharaohs

Architecture of Ancient Egypt during the reign of different dynasties of the pharaohs

In the period from 3200 to 2400 BC. e. there were all the directions of culture with which the Ancient Egypt became famous. Architecture in art occupied the leading position. The main structures from the earliest times of the development of this civilization were the monumental tombs of the nobility and kings. Funeral cults played an important role in development and were closely related to the dying and resurrecting deities of nature.

The slave-owning nobility and the kings paid muchthe importance of providing after the death of "eternal life". We built solid tombs, the material for which was a solid stone. It should be noted that the living quarters of living people were built from wood and bricks. Thus, the tombs were the first stone structures.

The architecture of Ancient Egypt paid hugeimportance of the construction of tombs. This was expressed not only in the volume of funds that were spent on their construction. The construction of the tombs required tremendous effort. The stone had to be carried from afar, dragged to a greater height with the help of embankments.

The architecture of Ancient Egypt developed according todirection increase in the above-ground part of the building horizontally. However, this line of construction could not produce the required impression of the overwhelming monumentality of the structure. In this regard, the architecture of Ancient Egypt has moved to a new stage of development. The most important role was played in the construction of the idea of ​​increasing the building along the vertical line.

According to some sources, for the first time it was embodiedin the process of erecting the pyramid-tomb of Djoser (pharaoh of the 3rd dynasty). Until the end of Egyptian history, the name of the architect Imhotep, the first builder of stone structures, a doctor, a wise man, an astronomer, has been preserved.

The economic power of Ancient Egypt was underminednumerous predatory wars and large-scale construction work. All this led to the weakening of the power of the king. As a result of the struggle against the pharaoh in 2400 BC. e. there was a division of the country into separate regions.

With the new union of the state in the 21st century. BC. e. the architecture of Ancient Egypt began to develop again. The suspended construction of the pyramids also resumed.

In the 16th-15th centuries. BC. e. (during the 18th dynasty of kings) great importance was attached to the construction of the funeral royal temples. The place of burial of the pharaohs was Thebes. Tombs of kings were built on the west bank of the Nile. In this area, Egyptian cemeteries have been located since ancient times.

At that time, the tombs were separated from the funeraltemples. The first, for greater safety, was carved in the gorges of rocks. Temples were erected at the bottom, on a flat terrain. Such innovations are the architecture of Egypt, thanks to the architect Ini.

The construction of funeral churches was carried outnow on the same principle as the construction of other churches. With the gradual development of construction began to be created monumental structures, with alleys of sphinxes and massive pylons.

Amenhotep Temple was a special greatness 3. From this structure only two statues of a giant size, depicting the pharaoh, were preserved. On a special place among all the funeral temples of the kings is the temple of Hatshepsut, a female pharaoh.

In the history of Egyptian art, the turning point is the end of the 18th dynasty. The leading position in culture from the 14th to the 12th centuries. BC. e. occupy Thebes.

A characteristic feature of the beginning of the reign of the 19th dynastyit is considered the desire to restore not only the authorities within the country, but also the prestige of the international. Thus, together with carrying out measures to strengthen the Egyptian economy and military power, the pharaohs are trying to give as much brilliance and splendor to Thebes, temples, the royal court. This largely left an imprint on the art and culture of that period.

In the 11th-8th centuries. BC. e. a rather difficult situation remained.

During the reign of the Sacrament of the 1st Pharaoh- Construction was mainly conducted in Sais (the new capital). In the city at that time was built a majestic temple to the goddess Nate, in which the royal burials were conducted.

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