/ / "Princess Mary", a short content of the novel from the novel by M. Yu. Lermontov "The Hero of Our Time"

"Princess Mary", a brief summary of the novel from the novel by M. Yu. Lermontov "The Hero of Our Time"

The largest story in thenovel, published in 1840, which Lermontov wrote - "Princess Mary". The writer uses the form of a journal, a diary, in order to reveal to the reader the character of the protagonist, all of its inconsistency and complexity. The main participant in the thick of events tells about what is happening. He does not justify himself and does not blame anyone, he just reveals his soul.

Princess Meri
"Princess Mary", a brief summary of the journal (for 11, 13, 16, 21 May)


Pechorin meets Pyatigorsk at the springa kind of secular society, composed of the capital's nobility at the time of treatment on the waters. Here he unexpectedly meets a familiar cadet, a former colleague, wounded in the leg. Grushnitsky did not like Pechorin because of his empty posturing, he tried to impress the young ladies, it was important to say stupidity in French.

On passing by the ladies Grushnitsky said thatthese are the Ligovskys, the princess and her daughter Mary. As soon as the princess came closer, Grushnitsky with pathos said one of his empty phrases. Turning, the girl held her serious long look on him. Later, the hero witnessed how the Princess secretly gave Grushnitsky a glass, which he tried to lift from the ground, leaning on a crutch. Junker was delighted. Pechorin envied the young man, but confessed only to himself, because he liked to annoy enthusiasts. All his life Pechorin passionately contradicted not only others, but even his heart or his intellect.

Dr. Werner, an old friend, sharedsecular news, saying that he had seen Ligovsky's newly arrived relative - a young pretty blonde with a painful look, with a mole on her right cheek. Pechorin, this lady was familiar.

Pechorin, from boredom, provoked Grushnitsky and angered himthe Princess. In the cave at the well, he accidentally met the blonde Vera mentioned by the doctor, with whom he once had a passionate affair. She reproached him for having never received anything from the relationship with him, other than suffering, and asked her to take care of Princess Ligovskaya in order to divert the attention of her second old and jealous husband from their renewed romance. Pechorin writes in the magazine that he never became a slave to his beloved woman, but on the contrary subordinated her to his will.

Grushnitski boasts that happens at Ligovsky and says that Princess hates Pechorin, to which he replied that if he wanted to, tomorrow will win her favor.

a summary of the princess of measure

"Princess Mary" a short summary of the journal (for 22, May 23, 29)


At a ball at the restaurant Pechorin witnessed,as one of the ladies who envied the beauty and grace of the princess, asked her chevalier, dragoon officer, to teach "this prenessnuyu girl". Pechorin invited the princess to the waltz tour and during the dance asked for an apology for his behavior. After the waltz, the princess, at the instigation of the dragoon captain, was not quite sober, in a crude and degrading tone intended to invite to the mazurka. Pechorin stood up for the defense of the young lady, pushed back the offender, saying that she had already been invited.

Princess Ligovskaya thanked the young manand invited them to come to their house. Pechorin began to visit the Ligovskys - on the one hand, for the sake of relations with Vera, and on the other - from the sports interest to test their irresistibility on a young, inexperienced girl. Faith passionately jealous Pechorin to Princess Mary and asks that he swear that he will never marry her, and even invites him to a long-awaited appointment at night.

"Princess Mary" a brief summary of the magazine (for 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15 June)


Grushnitsky is also jealous of a former friend toPrincess, the newly-minted officer joined the party of ill-wishers Pechorin led by the dragoon captain, who planned to teach him a lesson, summoning him to a duel and not loading pistols.

Lermontov princess of measure

Descending from the balcony of the Faith, he was seizedGrushnitsky and the captain, was forced to fight back and fled. Later Grushnitsky was summoned to the duel for gossip about the princess, as the rejected cavalier thought that Pechorin was with Mary.

"Princess Mary" a summary of the journal (for June 16)


The duel ended in favor of Pechorin. Grushnitsky was killed, and faith was taken away by a jealous husband. After reading a note of his beloved woman, Pechorin, in an attempt to catch up with her, drives the horse and remains alone, tirelessly tormented by love. Princess Ligovskaya makes an attempt to help a single daughter, save her from the suffering of unrequited love. She tells Pechorin that she is ready to give her daughter for him, because she cares not about wealth, but about the happiness of the only child. In conversation with the princess Pechorin explained that he can not marry her and submit to any of her worst views about him. After the princess said that she hated him, he thanked him and left. Soon he left Kislovodsk for good.

Very difficult, after reading the summary("Princess Mary"), to understand why Lermontov's contemporaries called this novel strange. Every generation of new readers tries to solve its riddles, but for this it is necessary to read the novel entirely.

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