Legendary "Belkin's Tale": a concise and hidden meaning
There are in the school curriculum for literature onea remarkable work of the classic and romantic Alexander Pushkin. The poet himself and the writer did not begin to point out his authorship, giving it to a fictional character - the late Ivan Petrovich Belkin. "The Story of Belkin," a brief summary of which is known absolutely to everyone from an early age, are five unique stories about everyday peripeteias of different heroes. They are united only by the narrator, who became an occasional witness of these scenes, conveying their brief content.
The "Belkin's Tales" are five separate stories aboutordinary people scattered in different parts of the vast Russian Empire. These are dramas, comedies, and parodies that were present in the realities of the time. But even now they take place in the modern world. In them the theme of the struggle for one's own happiness is a red thread. It's different for every person and the way to it is also diverse. What is "Belkin's Tale"? Brief contents of this earthly happiness, worldly wisdom, the foundations of generally accepted morality and everyday behavior.
"Belkin's Tale": a short summary
The story "Snowstorm" is a romantic ballad aboutunequal love and parental prohibition. A loving couple secretly escapes, in order to marry in a small church under a snowstorm. But, alas, the happiness was short-lived: although the parents accepted the poor son-in-law, he soon dies.
In "The Undertaker" the narrator will tell the listeners about thegray everyday life of Adrian Prokhorov, who invites the dead to his home. As in the famous opera about Don Juan, they come to him. But the coffin-maker's soul, which has become rough from everyday worries, was not even frightened. The hero began to recall details of the funeral of each guest: what were the coffins, how much did he earn on them ... In the morning he simply discarded the memories of a gloomy dream and returned to his duties.
"The young lady-peasant woman" is a happythe story of the Russian Romeo and Juliet. And the "Stationmaster" is the best part of the "Belkin's Tale" cycle. The summary of her is the parting of her daughter and her father, longing for each other, the struggle of reason and feelings. Vyrin's death and the visit of his noble young lady to his grave show that all the tortures of the old man were in vain: Dunya is happy, and her lover was not a scoundrel. The last "forgive" the girl had already spoken to a small grave mound.
These five stories teach us that there are no small andbig people. There is only a man who himself forges his fate and is responsible for it. And the tools in this difficult occupation are perseverance, faith in the best, strength of spirit, nobility and sincere love. This is what Pushkin wrote about. "The Story of Belkin," the summary of which can not convey the beauty of the artistic word that is inherent in genius, make the reader think about the meaning of being.