/ / Bar on the guitar. Basics and techniques

Bar on the guitar. Basics and techniques

The bar is a special way of playing the guitar, whichimplies the clamping of several strings. The bar on the guitar is divided into several groups: full - all the strings are clamped, a half bar - four strings, and a small bar - three strings. This technique is used for any technique of the game and is a component of a huge number of chords and a minor and a major group. The bar is used in all musical styles and is the basic method of playing the guitar.

Problems with setting the bar

Bar on the guitar

Many beginning guitarists are faced with the fact,that they can not take a bar on the guitar. And since without this method, difficult melodies can not be played, then often a person who has encountered difficulties using this element simply throws the instrument and does not return to the music. To prevent this, you need to know how to take the bar on the guitar correctly. After all, if everything is done as recommended by experts, there should not be any difficulties, and you will easily master such a necessary method.

How to take a bar?

In fact, it's quite simple to do this, you just need to follow a few rules below.

So, let's find out how to tighten the bar on the guitar correctly.

First, relax your hand, shake it, hold it in the hanging position for a few seconds. Naturally, this procedure is only needed when you are still learning.

Try to press the index finger, whichseveral strings are clamped, as close as possible to the threshold of that fret, on which you want to play the reception known to us. This not only makes it easier for you, but also makes the sound cleaner, without excessive rattling and other jammers. If for a certain chord all four fingers of the left hand are not needed, you can put the middle finger over the index finger, but do not get used to doing so, because in this way you can limit yourself to using the bar.

Bend your left arm around the wrist so thatits minimal stress was created. Find for yourself this comfortable position and remember it. First bring the hand into it yourself, and after a while it will be obtained from you automatically.

Also, some musicians advise startingtraining this reception from setting a small bar, then go to a half-bar and only then take a full one on six strings. However, this method is not always justified: small is used mainly in classical melodies, which many beginning guitarists for some reason are avoided. The chords in the majority contain a full bar on six strings.

How to tighten the bar on the guitar

Helpful Tips

When you are learning to put a bar,so that the ring finger and little finger do not go under the neck of the guitar. This sometimes happens involuntarily due to a strong voltage when trying to put a chord. Do not be too zealous, otherwise you can ruin all your efforts.

Also, gradually try to put the bar on the guitar along with the necessary chord, this will help you not only to work out the right method, but also to improve your playing skills in general.

Practice, practice and practice again!

How to take a bar on the guitar

In fact, the only reallyAn effective way of teaching a bar is practice. Only a lot of training, you can easily master this technique. Practice, practice and practice again - that's what will help you become a real guitar player.

In no case do not despair, do not throwtheir attempts to put the bar on the guitar. Do not think that you physically can not take it, this in principle does not happen. Do not seek excuses for yourself, but take it and do it! It is much more useful not only to improve your guitar playing skills, but also for willpower and spirit. Always bring it to the end, no matter how difficult it may seem.

I hope you enjoyed this article, and you understood how to properly tighten the bar on the guitar. I wish you new creative successes!

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