/ / Modern horrors about ghosts: the total crisis of the genre

Modern horrors about ghosts: a total crisis of the genre

As you know, the best way to tickle your nervesthe viewer is to make him afraid of the unknown and the unknown. This is the main focus of the creators of horror films, where the main provocateur of fear are the vindictive spirits of the deceased.

horrible horrors about ghosts
Therefore, there is nothing surprising in that the horrorsabout ghosts are gaining popularity and filmed in every manner, and stories of cruel adolescents and crazy maniacs slowly recede into the background. This trend is well traced in the film premiers of recent years: the appearance of the "Astral", "Moms", "Enchantments" and the next part of the "Paranormal phenomenon" made many fans afraid almost to scream with delight. But the quantity rarely means quality, so really terrible horrors about ghosts 2010-2013 can be counted on the fingers of one hand. Inspired by the success of the creators of the "Astral" hastened to remove the whirlwind sequel, the script of which is terrible in a bad way. But the creators of the "Paranormal phenomenon", happily rubbing their hands, in fact the same story showed from five different perspectives, while not forgetting about the quality.

horror stories about ghosts
We muffled the popcorn crunch, we crack the fake bones!

In social networks, you can often meet requestsin the spirit of "advise horror about ghosts," a list of which can easily be found on the Internet. However, in this list a good half is films of the 80s and 90s, when it was not possible to make such special effects as in modern cinema. But the story is not there, "slack", and the timing does not cause yawning and glancing furtively at her watch. On the part of the effects, the recent Spanish-Canadian film "Mama" is good. A bit clumsy painted evil, accompanying his appearance repulsive sounds, get up such that when viewing like to get their feet on the sofa. What sort of popcorn is here! But, wincing at the sharp sounds and predictable "pugalok" around the corner, to the middle of the movie I was bored, and even became ridiculous. The idea crept into my head that today quality horrors - about ghosts or about maniacs - are just worth their weight in gold. Maybe it's in my acquired immunity after seeing hundreds of films of this genre, but in any case the trend is hardly favorable.

horrors about ghosts

And I photographed, and frightened, and earned

Because of the deplorable crisis of ideas, it has become very fashionabledo a remake of the horrors of ghosts and other universal evil of many years ago. Here a good example is the film "The Evil Dead": The Black Book, criticized by the fans of the franchise. It's unclear why it's bad to retake a good movie? The answer, however, arises by itself - how? For box office, of course! True, the sample of 2013 unfamiliar with the original "Dead" viewers may come to taste. There is everything: blood, shouts, potentially good plot and charismatic evil. However, it is difficult to name yet one even slightly good modern cinema in the genre - atmospheric and qualitative horrors about ghosts die, and fans of the genre can only sigh sorrowfully and wait for a new part of the "Paranormal phenomenon." By the way, in the "Fatal label" all the same evil ghost entities will take special care to terrorize new victims.

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