/ / Pastoral is ... The meaning of the word. Pastoral symphony by Ludwig van Beethoven

Pastoral is ... The meaning of the word. Pastoral symphony by Ludwig van Beethoven

Pastoral is a genre in literature, music,painting and theater. What is the meaning of this word? What can be called pastoral? What are some examples of using the word in literature? What is pastoral music? In the works of some composers, works devoted to the depiction of rural life or nature meet?

The meaning of the word pastoral

This is, first of all, the genre that is used invarious kinds of art (painting, music, literature and theater). It is used to depict and poise the rural and peaceful life of a person. It also correlates in meaning with the noun. It is characterized as quiet and peaceful. In translation from the French pastorale (pastoral) - it's pastoral, rural.

Pastoral - a unique genre

In the European art culture, heexists for many centuries. History confirms its longevity and indicates a specific figure - 23 centuries. At first it took shape in a special genre of poetry. But quickly spread in other kinds of literature, and then in other arts: painting, music, drama, applied art. Forms of its manifestation and options created each era. So, the pastoral is both a generic and a genre genre category. The musical component of the pastoral lies in ancient sources. It was under her influence that the pastoral in the European art developed. They were dances of satyrs and nymphs, songs of shepherds, games on "shepherd's" instruments (flutes and others).

pastoral is

Examples of the use of the word in the literature

"He rode three kilometers among ghostly deserts and snow-capped volcanoes, which have nothing to do with the pastoral dawns of his valley."

"The office was as before, its walls were painted in a monochromatic green color and there were no pastoral landscapes."

"Hired specialists sowed and fed the soil." For Jack, the pastoral job of trimming the grass was a kind of therapy. "

As we see, in literature "pastoral" isoften used word, which is used in different speech turns to emphasize the right meaning. Here are some more successful and varied examples.

"A young man who has just woken up from pastoral sounds could see a sunny bunny that flashed across the ceiling above his head."

"He wandered through the amazing and enchanting forest to which he dedicated a whole poem, in which pastoral motifs are closely intertwined with mythological images and are combined with political assessments."

"He turned a pastoral play into a real drama about suffering and tragic fate."

Pastoral in music

For the depiction of rural life or nature, works are created that can be of small or large form.

pastoral symphony
On the scales they too happen different. Pastoral music has the following characteristics:

  • The movement of the melody is calm and smooth.
  • The most commonly used size is 6/8 or 12/8.
  • In the melody, the third is often doubled.

Many composers turned to pastorals. Among them: ISBakh, A.Vivaldi, F.Cuperen, D.Scarlatti, L.Bethoven and others. Pastoral operas are in the works of K. Gluck, J. Ramo, J. Lully, V. Mozart, M. Ravel and many other composers.

The Sixth Symphony of Beethoven

pastoral symphony of Beethoven

Pastoral symphony in the composer's workrefers to the central period. The date of its creation is 1806. In this work there is no struggle with villain-destiny. Here in the foreground are the simple events of worldly life and the glorification of the great power of nature.

It is dedicated to Prince F.Lobkowicz (Vienna philanthropist), who was the patron saint of the composer. On December 22, 1808, the symphony was first performed at the Vienna Theater. Initially, it was called "Recollection of rural life."

The first premiere of the work was a failure. The orchestra consisted of prefabricated performers and was of a low level. The hall was cold, the public in fur coats did not take the composition as a highly artistic sample and did not appreciate it.

Beethoven's pastoral symphony holds a specialplace in the composer's work. Of the nine existing only it is software. It has both a common name and headings directly to each of the five parts. Their number and deviation from the traditional four-part cycle is also conditioned by the program. The dramatic picture of a thunderstorm is a contrast to simple-hearted country dances and a tranquil finale.

pastoral music
This symphony is one of the most romantic works of Beethoven. The composer himself wrote that she paints feelings arising from contact with the world of nature and rural life.

Thus, the considered genre is used invarious kinds of art (painting, literature, music, theater). Many composers turned to pastorals. A special place is occupied by the Pastoral Symphony of Beethoven, which is a program composition. It conveys feelings filled with inspiration from the wonderful natural environment and rural life.

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