/ / Artem Kamenisty and his novel "The Border River"

Artem Kamenisty and his novel "The Border River"

Some people like the work of Artem Kamenisty,others criticize his works. "The Border River" is a book that has received both positive reviews and negative ones. Consider the opinions of critics and readers in the article. What does Stoney tell us about the peculiarities of his prose?

"Border River" - a novel created, like other works of this author, in the genre of combat fantasy.

border river

about the author

There is not much information about Kamenist. It is known that the real name of the author who wrote the novel "The Border River" is Arthur Smirnov. The writer was born in Donetsk. He graduated from the local Polytechnic University, but he did not work for a day in his specialty.

Fantastic prose Artem Kamenisty began writing since 2005. First he published his works on the Internet. But already in 2006 the first book in paper format was published.

In order to avoid unreasonable criticism, the writerwarns readers who are not familiar with his work, that his books do not tell about the adventures of extremely popular characters. In the works of Stony, there are no supermen or elves.

border river

In the works of this modern author alsoThe reader will not find deep philosophical reasoning and elements of so-called intellectual prose. The fantasy of Artem Kamenisty attracts, because it is a genre that allows to put the hero in a difficult and unexpected situation. There are a lot of fighting episodes in the books. But they, according to the statement of Stony, do not affect the plot. This is the writer's opinion about his own work. What do they think about the works of Artyom Kamenisty, and first of all about the novel "The River Border" readers?

Positive reviews

The book "Border River" consists of fourparts. The magic in the work is present, but despite this, the novel differs in both the plot and style from the books of other representatives of modern Russian fiction.

The protagonist of the novel is a geologist who is not differenthigh martial arts skills. He grew up in a provincial environment. As a result of the fall of the meteorite was in an unknown, unfamiliar world. The character of Stony is not inherent in heroic features.

stony border river

Positive feedback on the book "The River Border"based on the assertion that the prose of this author is distinguished by an unusual story, a vivid literary language. In the book there are no patterned characters, ideal heroes, who are able to overcome any difficulties. The writer, according to the readers, is good at creating new fantastic characters. The book contains detailed, vivid descriptions of the climate, the nature of the world in which the heroes turned out to be.

Negative feedback

The shortcomings of Kamenist's prose arefuzzy portrait characterization of the characters. The characters of the book "The River Border", according to some readers, are impersonal. Critical remarks were also raised by unknown mythical creatures created by the author. To the shortcomings of the work is also a protracted plot. However, readers who recommend reading the books of Artem Kamenisty are much more numerous than those who criticize his work.

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