Artem Dolgin: biography, sporting achievements
Artem Dolgin is a professional bodybuilder who performs in the WBFF federation competitions. For today the sportsman lives in the USA, is removed in cinema and conducts a personal videoblog.
Artem was born in Moscow. It so happened that he grew up in a village in the Lipetsk region. When he was 5 years old, his parents decided to move to Ukraine in Zhitomir. Dolgin studied in one of the universities of Kiev. Since 8 years seriously engaged in Greco-Roman wrestling. By the time he was 18, he had retired from the sport and plunged into classes in the gym.
Moving to the USA

While still a child, Dolgin had an idol,which became Arnold Schwarzenegger. The boy first saw him in the movie "Commando", and from that moment he had a dream - to go to America and become a famous bodybuilder. After graduating from university, Artem took part in the Work and travel program.
Fate smiled at Dolgin, and he succeededmove to the USA. At first he had a hard time. Life in America, which previously seemed like a fairy tale, turned out to be different, and the guy had to work as a handyman. However, the athlete did not drop his hands and combine work days with training.
Acting art
To date, Artem Dolgin is studying inacting school. He is invited to appear in low-budget films. But Artem is confident that his acting career is ahead, so he continues to do his favorite thing and actively train.
Artem Dolgin: bodybuilding, the principle of training
When the athlete was at the very beginning of the career path of a bodybuilder, he knew little about how to properly build a diet and what additives to use so that the result would not be long in coming.
Once during a training session, Artem approachedcoach and offered him a nutrition program, for which the guy paid $ 600. Dolgin in an interview confessed that it was she who changed his life, and after a couple of months he became a pro in bodybuilding.
Artem constantly changes the scheme of his training, butbasically the athlete trains with heavy weights in an intensive mode. Each approach, he starts with a light weight, constantly increasing the load. Between the approaches resting a little. Artyom Dolgin is training in a fairly tough regime - twice a day. The main diet of the athlete is protein foods and healthy fats.
Participation in WBFF
The athlete says that for him a career in sports has two goals - to inspire, motivate and help others achieve their goals.

Speech at the Mens physicist Artem was not ondisposition. He is confused by the lack of posing and the injustice of the judges. The athlete believes that WBFF is much more competitive. Athletes in such competitions do have something to show the public and the judges. They have much to grow and strive for.
The athlete admits that he, like all athletes, has weaknesses, but he works hard on them. The goal of Artem is to become a legend and inspire people to follow the dream through all obstacles and fear.