/ / Theater of MDM, hall scheme

Theater of MDM, hall scheme

The MDM Theater is one of the largestentertainment venues of the Russian capital. Here the most large-scale performances and musicals from all over the world are shown, which invariably pass with sold-out performances. Each event of the theater becomes a significant event, which gives a lot of emotions to the metropolitan public.

Here you can find out how the Moscow Palace of Youth appeared, which contributed to the success of the site, how the theater scene changed in our time and how the layout of the MDM room is presented.


The building of the Moscow Palace of Youth began to buildin 1982, and the opening of the site took place five years later. This is a four-storey house in the metropolitan area of ​​Khamovniki, located near the Moscow River. Currently, the venue holds almost 1800 people. This is impressive not only live, but even on the diagram of the hall of MDM. In 2017, the theater turned 15 years old, as the site used to function as a concert hall. The early period of existence is famous for the fact that it was in the Moscow Youth Palace that the games of the Major League of KVN were played, as well as a television program. However, the truly grandiose ground became in the new millennium, when in her life there were big changes.

theater of Moscow

The successes of MDM

It was with the advent of the theater that the playground becameone of the main cultural centers of Moscow. Here, the performances of the famous Broadway performances began to be staged. The first of these was the musical "42nd Street" with artists from the United States of America. Later on the stage the theater was shown and domestic productions. Among them - the musical "12 chairs".

Soon after, MDM began to show the mostfamous masterpieces of theatrical and song art from around the world. The metropolitan audience was able to see such legendary works as "Phantom of the Opera", "Cats", "Mamma Mia!" and "Chicago". In addition, they put the original Russian version of such classics as "Sounds of Music", and one of the recent hits of the MDM Theater is "The Ball of Vampires". This is a version of the famous work of 1967, created by director Roman Polanski, a musical in which Europe and America have been making a musical for several decades.

theater mdm

Site Renovation

In the summer of 2014, the theater was re-equipped forcarrying out the most ambitious productions, including for the grandiose "Phantom of the Opera". The renovation was attended by European specialists, there were a total of more than 100 people, and about 200 million rubles were spent on work. It's even difficult to call a repair: the theater was almost completely updated from scratch, which made the already popular site even better.

To begin with, the old MDM theater in Moscowequipment. Then the workers completely updated the top mechanization of the scene, and also remade the lower one. In addition, special devices appeared in the theater, allowing to arrange really dangerous and entertaining numbers. The room acoustics, lighting devices were replaced and many other elements were added, by means of which the immersion in the productions becomes as deep as possible and gives completely new sensations that previously were not so easy to transmit to the audience.

The interior of the MDM building, whichmade the theater even more beautiful externally. Within the framework of the works a marble portal of the central entrance to the hall was opened, which was hidden from visitors for almost twenty years. Before the theater itself, an excellent pedestrian zone was created, which reminds of other European capitals. All the innovations and changes made the Moscow Palace of Youth a truly modern place, which with dignity is on the list of the best sites in Russia and abroad.

The scheme of the hall of MDM

MDM is calculated for slightly less than two thousandviewers. Some visitors may find it difficult to focus on such a large space, because the number of seats is really great. Therefore, the MDM scheme will come to the rescue.

mdm hall layout

The space in front of the stage is divided into manyparts that make up the five blocks: the economy-place, the second amphitheater, the first amphitheater, the premium seats and the grand premium. There are 35 rows in the hall, differing in width. Nevertheless, viewers can comfortably enjoy what's happening on the stage from anywhere in the MDM. The layout of the hall will help you choose the best arrangement for viewing the productions.

mdm hall layout

Address and contacts

The Moscow Palace of Youth is in the house number 28on the Komsomolsky prospect. In the same building is located the lobby of the metro station "Frunzenskaya" Sokolnicheskaya line of the Moscow subway. This is the easiest way to get to the theater by public transport.

scheme mdm

Owners of cars will also be easydrive to the site. At the disposal of drivers is Komsomolsky Prospekt. It is connected with such highways as the Garden Ring and the Third Transport. In addition, at the disposal of car owners there is a spacious parking, where everyone can leave his car.

You can always call MDM cash desks. The contact phone is on the theater's official website.

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