/ Theater of Vakhtangov. Scheme of the hall and its history

The Vakhtangov Theater. Scheme of the hall and its history

In the heart of Moscow, on the Old Arbat, stands a building,Designed in the spirit of Soviet classicism, with pilasters from the base to the roof. Every Muscovite knows this majestic mansion, in which since 1921 there is a theater. It bears the name of Eugene Bagrationovich Vakhtangov.

Vakhtangov Theater: History

Owners of a stone mansion in the area whereToday there is a theater, there were brothers Sabashnikovs. The building carried out a serious publishing activity, which bibliophiles appreciated for responsible preparation of published works. The revolution that took place at the beginning of the 20th century stopped the publishing house's half-century activity, the building was seized from the owners and handed over to the young theatrical figures under the leadership of Yevgeny Vakhtangov. Restructuring the room for the needs of the theater, the chief architect of the project L. Mashkov created an auditorium with a capacity of 150 people. Today the Vakhtangov Theater, whose hall layout demonstrates the number of seats, can simultaneously accommodate 1,055 guests.

theater named after Vakhtangov scheme of the hall

The building survived the bomb that hit it in 1941, several rearrangements, including political, and finally gained its present appearance.

Vakhtangov Theater: Hall layout

After the war, the reconstruction of the premises was entrusted to the architect Abrosimov P. V., who executed the facade of the building in the style of Soviet classicism, and the auditorium - in the spirit of the old-regime theaters.

How is the theater room arranged?

  • The zone closest to the stage and located just below it is the ground floor. This is the most "dainty" place, this is where theatricals seek to get to, and tickets for them are appropriate.
  • Further by popularity and price - amphitheater(literal translation - "around the theater"). Sometimes the performance looks much more interesting from these places. The amphitheater wins at the ground in the possibility of reviewing the whole scene.
  • Over the amphitheater is a mezzanine (that is,"beautiful floor" in French). You need to have good eyesight or rent binoculars, since from these places you can not see the details of the costume and the expression of actors' faces, and, accordingly, the tickets are not so expensive.
  • Balcony is loved by students and pensioners for the opportunityto attend a sold-out performance at a reasonable price. The perception of images is difficult due to the distance of the stage, but everything is perfectly fine, as the theater of Vakhtangov, whose layout is presented in the article, scrupulously concerns every spectator.
  • Lodges - side parts of the balcony, mezzanine andamphitheater. The upper two tiers are not the most advantageous, but the seats located on the sides of the amphitheater, called "boxes of the benoir," are quite expensive, which is fair, since they provide the best overview in the whole theater.

theater vahtangova photo

New scene

The new stage accommodates 250 spectators and is locatedon the first floor of the house at 24 Arbat Street, close to the main theater building. The opening of the site is timed to coincide with the 95th anniversary of the theater, which took place in 2015. Used in the construction of the building, new building technologies allowed to design a space that provides an excellent view of the scene from anywhere in the auditorium. With the help of an additional room, the Vakhtangov Theater, the layout of which is useful to every potential viewer, has increased the total area to 17.5 thousand square meters.

Vakhtangov Theater

Historical fact

For the whole history of the theater's existencethe most outstanding performance is the production of "Princess Turandot". This action was first brought to the public's court in the distant 1922. The Vakhtangov Theater, whose circuit, after experiencing all the transformations, increased almost 10-fold, and today it successfully places a bright, sparkling, musical pamphlet called "The Princess Turandot". The play takes a special place in the repertoire of the theater and through decades remains the most famous and popular spectacle of the country.

theater of the Vakhtangov scheme of the hall

The Vakhtangov Theater, whose photo is familiar to all Muscovites, thanks to almost 100-year history, is today one of the most leading, most visited and modern theaters in Moscow.

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