/ / Where they shot "Discover me, if you can": beautiful views of the capital and peninsula

Where they shot "Recognize me, if you can": beautiful views of the capital and peninsula

This series viewers saw only two years ago,in 2014-m. The actors played an old story about the Count of Monte Cristo in a new way. The Turkish telenovela "Ezel" told all this in 130 series, and the Ukrainian script writers were able to meet only 32. But this reduction of the story did not make the story less fascinating, and the audience every evening prinikali to the screens in the hope to find out what will happen next ...

Where they shot "Recognize me, if you can", interests many. We will try in this article to understand this issue.

The plot line of the series. How it all began?

The hero of the Russian TV series is called Ilyusha Avdeev(actor Slava Zhalnin). He has already celebrated his eighteenth birthday, and he has an affair with a girl named Alisa (actress Eugenia Loza), whose father (played by Sergei Zhigunov) pushes his daughter to coquetry with wealthy men, and then, bursting into their room, threatens to put him in prison of the offender of his minor daughter. As a rule, the result of this is a good compensation received by the father. The hotel, where they shot "Recognize me, if you can" striking elegance of the situation.

where they filmed me if you can

Young people are happy, they are in dreams already in the distant future, boundless and cloudless. Ilya and Alisa are already planning their wedding.

Where the film "Recognize me, if you can," was shot, you can easily understand, if you look at the most beautiful views of the waterfront. Then it immediately becomes clear that these pictures were filmed in Yalta.

The plot line of the series. Dungeons

After being falsely accused of robbing the casino and killing the guard, Ilya Avdeev gets to prison, Alice has to marry his friend Denis (actor Sergei Peregudov).

where the film was shot find out if you can

There is in this story and the main villain - RomanArkhipov (actor Yuri Stoyanov). This is a criminal authority that collects art with pleasure and can easily give the order to kill a person. It is he who extends a helping hand to Ilya, when he is behind bars. But if at first glance he seems to be a very kind person, then this is not so. A young man needs authority solely as an instrument of revenge, because that same casino belonged to Arkhipov.

And to figure out where they shot "Recognize me, if you can", it's easy. The main thing is to look carefully at the screen. And then, after seeing a lot of acquaintances not by hearsay of places, you will understand everything without words.

A new life with a new face

The stage of life that Ilya is forced to spend inprison, for him is very difficult, because, according to the court's decision, he has been sitting for 15 years. In addition, the shock for the guy was the betrayal of friends and a girlfriend.

where they shot the show, find out if I can

A plan for their general futureUvarov. Suddenly a rebellion and a fire begin in the prison. As a result of these events, the main hero dies from the conclusion of the official examination. Actually, the same guy at the insistence of Uvarov plastic surgery. And eight years after the announcement of the verdict, he gets the opportunity to go free with a new face. His name is also different. Now the name to which he responds - Nikita (actor Ilya Stebunov). And he yearns for revenge.

Beyond the Movie Camera: A New Vision of the Old History

Looking at the surrounding beauty heroes, landscapes andbuilding, involuntarily wondering about where they shot "Recognize me, if you can." So, all the shooting took place in Kiev and the Crimean peninsula. The director of the tape decided that in the frames there should be a lot of seascapes. Therefore, where they shot the TV series "Recognize me, if you can", it's easy, because a lot of stories were shot at sea.

In the picture you can observe that very muchepisodes on the yacht, sailboats, there is even a skirmish. The main action, adding the notorious "pepper" to history, was the relationship of heroes, all those tender feelings that they felt for each other and carried through the years.

hotel where they shot me, find out if you can

So, when asked about where they shot "Recognize me, if you can" there is a very simple answer: all the shooting took place in Ukraine. All the seaside views seen by the spectators were captured on film in the summer in the Crimea - mostly in picturesque Yalta, but there was also Simeiz, seascapes and many other picturesque resort towns of the Crimean peninsula. When the winter came, the film crew moved to Kiev, where the weather turned on the movie-makers - the frosts were minus 20. Besides, the political situation also created tension - the shootings were held in parallel with rallies and disorder in the capital. Actors, however, remembered that in Yalta with the weather, too, was not very. It turned out that when it started to freeze, began to work on the scenes in which the actresses went to summer sarafans.

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