/ / Puppet theater (Samara) invites young spectators

Puppet theater (Samara) invites young spectators

In Samara - a large Russian city that lies in theMiddle Volga, - a lot of cultural objects. There are museums, galleries, exhibition halls, concert halls, cultural centers, cinemas. Residents are happy to attend a puppet theater. Samara is proud of this institution. Read more about it in the article.


puppet theater of Samara

State institution of culture (abbreviated -GUK) of the Samara Region "Samara Puppet Theater" is the full name of this cultural object. It is located in a one-story building, behind which every day talented actors, directors, artists work tirelessly, creating a fairy tale for the audience.

From the moment of foundation and until today onThe theater's stage featured more than 50,000 performances! In his repertoire, which annually expands, 36 productions for children and adults. Directors are inspired by works for children of Andersen, Chukovsky, Pushkin, Perrault, Marshak. It is interesting that in some representations young spectators act not only as observers, but also as active participants in the action.

The theater participates in various competitions andfestivals, becomes a laureate of various awards. In his luggage there are a lot of diplomas and awards - "For the best work of the director", "For the best work of the artist", "For the best work of the actor", "For the best possession of the puppet", "For the best performance for children", "Special prize of the jury" and others.

Puppet theater (Samara) actively tours not only in Russia, but also abroad. In his piggy bank - travel to Germany, Hungary, Czech Republic, Estonia, India.


puppet theater of Samara

In the late 20-ies of the last century, the actorSamara TYuZa graduated courses puppeteers in St. Petersburg (then - Leningrad). After that, he returned to his hometown, where he assembled a troupe of 5 puppeteers, petrushers, with whom he organized a miniature puppet theater for children. Sam Lotsmanov acted as a director, artist and decorator in one person. The troupe enthusiastically took up the development of a new genre and already in 1934 was recognized as a professional collective.

In June 1941, BCE began, and allmale actors of the troupe went to the front. The theater itself was evacuated to Kuibyshev. Here he does not stop his work. During the war, 2,700 performances were played! And in 1945 the puppet theater (Samara) received its first award for staging the "Nutcracker".

After the war the theater returned to its native city. Despite everyday difficulties and severe post-war years, the team worked together and worked hard, reaching new creative peaks. The flowering of the theater began in 1971 with the arrival of a new chief director - Renza Roman Borisovich. Already in the 80s, the Samara puppeteers were called one of the best in the country.


street of the lion thick

The puppet theater (Samara) has a rich repertoire. The poster advertises such performances for children:

  • "Goat-dereza".
  • "Baggage".
  • "Wild swan".
  • "Baby and Carlson."
  • "Swan geese".
  • "Lesson of merry musicians".
  • "Merry caterpillar".
  • "Sleeping Beauty".
  • "Rainbow fish".
  • "Prince swineherd."
  • "The Scarlet Flower".
  • "By magic".
  • "Teremok".
  • "Kashtanka".
  • "Thumbelina".
  • "Mashenka and the Bear".
  • "Enchanted forest".
  • "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish".
  • "Tsvetik-semitsvetik."
  • "Frosty."

And other wonderful performances, which pleasespuppet theater (Samara). The poster is constantly updated, announcing new wonderful fairy tales that children and adults will surely like.

Where to find and how to get there

Hook of the Samara Region Samara Puppet Theater

Address of the Samara Puppet Theater: street of Leo Tolstoy, house 82. The building is located at the intersection of the streets of Samara and Leo Tolstoy. Nearby is the green park named after Vysotsky, which can serve as a landmark. To get from the main gate to the theater, you need to turn to the right at the exit, turn to the left at the first roundabout and climb up Samara street to the next intersection, on which again turn to the right. Ahead of the building of the theater.

Ticket prices

The price of tickets to the puppet theater (Samara)ranges from 200 to 250 rubles. Established by the decision of the administration, depending on the technical complexity and duration of the performance. Every spectator must be afflicted regardless of age. There are no preferential categories.

The theater hall is designed for 160 seats, while the rows with1 st to 4 th are intended exclusively for children. Given the great popularity of the theater and the frequent sold out for performances, tickets are recommended to be purchased in advance. This can be done at the ticket office, which operates from Tuesday to Friday from 11:00 to 17:00, on Saturdays and Sundays from 9:30 to 15:30, Monday - the day off.


Puppet theater (Samara) is always evaluatedpositively. Spectators leave enthusiastic reviews not only about wonderful, interesting, bright and musical performances, but also about the design of the foyer, the work of the animators at the entrance, which, 30 minutes before the start of the play, are held with the children of the game and mini-competitions.

Since views are often updated, andscene every time a new action takes place, then very many parents bring children to the theater more than once. Each visit, judging by the reviews, gives a good mood, joy and faith in something better.

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