/ How to Choose an Acoustic Guitar. How to Choose an Electroacoustic Guitar

How to choose an acoustic guitar. How to Choose an Electroacoustic Guitar

Choosing a guitar is an important event for anymusician. For those who are just starting to study music, this can be an extremely difficult task. Therefore, before choosing an acoustic guitar, it is worthwhile to study the main technical characteristics of such an instrument and to determine in advance the requirements that your purchase must meet.

Choosing an Acoustic Guitar

On how to choose an acoustic guitar, oftennot aware of those who make a purchase for the first time. First of all, pay attention to the material from which the tool is made. A good guitar is made from several types of wood - this allows you to achieve the required sound transmission. It is important that the wood is thoroughly dried, otherwise the guitar will start to deform with time. Be sure to make sure that the tool body does not have plastic parts - this degrades the sound quality.

Pay attention to nails, that is specialan overlay through which strings are passed. It determines the height over which the strings will be placed above the neck. For a beginner musician, it's better to stay on a low-threshold version: in this case, for a good sound, less pressure is required and, accordingly, less effort during the game.

How to Choose an Acoustic Guitar

Be sure to try playing the guitar beforepurchase. Virtuosity of performance is not important, the main thing is to evaluate the sound. It should be saturated and clean, without rattling or discordant notes. If you hear a rattling, then most likely in the manufacture of violations were committed. Check how the instrument sounds when you play by brute force, whether the sound is good enough when using a mediator or finger pads.

Make sure that the guitar can withstand a slender soundon 9, 11 and higher frets. Some models of low quality stop building as you approach the case, and on such an instrument you can not play complex compositions. The last thing you should pay attention to is the appearance. Remember that a too effective externally cheap model can only be a cover for defects.

How to choose the right electro acoustic guitar

A peculiar subset of the instrument is a guitarelectroacoustic. It is distinguished first of all by a pickup - a special mechanism that transmits sound to external media. In the rest, it must meet the requirements that are imposed on completely acoustic instruments.

How to Choose an Electroacoustic Guitar

The most high-quality and surround sound can beextract from the guitar, the pickup on which is a miniature microphone. However, such tools are quite expensive. Wherever a conventional piezoelectric sensor is considered less reliable, it is also capable of removing the sound quite qualitatively, if installed on the guitar body. But models with a pickup tablet on the fretboard should be immediately put aside: the sound of such a tool will be distorted and incomplete.

Before choosing an electro acoustic guitar,It is worth thinking about additional accessories, such as a mediator, a sound tuner, an equalizer and a tuning fork. The presence of these items is not mandatory, but greatly facilitates the process of the game.

How to choose strings for a guitar?

As a rule, strings complete with a guitar are notare shipped. Therefore, the first question that arises in any musician: "How to choose strings for an acoustic guitar?" Firms, producing them, now a lot, when choosing you need to proceed more from personal preferences than from some common criteria.

How to Choose Strings for an Acoustic Guitar

All kinds of strings can be divided according tomaterial of manufacture on nylon and metal. The first are installed on guitars of the so-called classical type. They have a softer and quiet, compared with metal, sound and are great for performing romances and instrumental sketches. At the same time, the strength of their tension is less, therefore, it is easier to play classical guitars than on models with metal strings. It is important to remember that classic instruments lack an anchor mechanism that changes the slope of the neck, so placing metal strings on them can deform the body.

The best tools for rock performance,blues and bardic songs are considered variety guitars. Metal strings, mounted on them, are distinguished by a powerful, rich sound. However, due to the high tension force, not everyone can play on them. When choosing strings, it is necessary to take into account their diameter, which also determines the timbre of sound: the thinner the string, the louder the sound. However, thin strings wear out much faster, and as a result, they have to be changed more often.

Installation and tuning of strings

Installation of strings on an acoustic guitar

Correct installation of strings on an acoustic guitarIt determines how harmonious your instrument will sound. Each string must be carefully fixed on the lower spigot and in the hole of the corresponding spike. Only after this, it is possible, by gently rotating the pegs clockwise, to begin the adjustment - to tension each string to the extent that when grazing it produces a strictly defined sound. To achieve this without a musical education can be difficult, therefore, before choosing an acoustic guitar, it is recommended that you buy a tuning fork.

Setup always starts with 1 string, soundwhich must correspond to the notes. After it is stretched with the necessary force, you need to hold the 2 string on the fifth fret and twist the pegs until both strings start to sound in unison. Do not try to do this quickly - a sudden increase in voltage can break the string. The same principle applies to the rest: each subsequent one with the clamp on the fifth fret should sound the same as the free previous one. The only exception is the third string - it is tuned to the fourth fret.

How to quickly tune a guitar

How to adjust the acoustic guitar correctly

Many beginning musicians are forced toseveral times weaken and re-tighten the strings, because it is not immediately possible to correctly adjust the acoustic guitar. Do not be upset because of this - the skill comes with experience. If you need to adjust the guitar quickly and without much effort, you can use a guitar tuner. This small device captures the sound of the string and shows whether it matches the target, and how much you need to turn the pegs to achieve the desired sound.

How much does a guitar cost?

The average cost of an acoustic guitar fluctuatesfrom 3000 to 15000 rubles. Better tools produced by well-known firms can cost up to 80,000 rubles and more. The main mistake often made by newcomers is the purchase of the cheapest guitar. Doing this is not worth it, since models costing less than 4000 are usually not of good quality.

How to Choose an Acoustic Guitar

Too expensive, however, also do not buyit is quite possible that in a few years you will have a desire to replace it with a more functional model. The optimal choice for those who are just starting to learn music will be a tool that is in the price range from 4000 to 7000 rubles.

Acquiring a guitar is an important and fascinatingAn occupation for everyone who is connected with music. Do not be afraid to ask questions to sales consultants and clarify incomprehensible nuances. In case you do not even know how to choose an acoustic guitar, it is better to ask in advance for the help of acquaintances already having such an experience.

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