/ / Famous winged expressions from the comedy "Woe from Wit" by A.S. Griboedova

Famous winged expressions from the comedy "Woe from Wit" by A.S. Griboedova

Alexander Sergeyevich Griboyedov - authora remarkable comedy, which everyone knows from school. The most memorable are the winged expressions from the comedy "Woe from Wit". While reading a work, they are perceived easily and permanently stored in memory. Winged expressions from the comedy "Woe from Wit" are always filled with psychology and acute problems. A person many years after reading the comedy can remember them. This article reviews quotes from the "Woe from Wit" and explains their meaning.

winged expressions of comedy grief from the mind

The characters of Alexander Griboyedov are known,probably, all: Famusov, Sophia, Chatsky, Lisa, Molchalin, Skalozub, etc. Each of them has its own individual character. Among others in the comedy stands out Chatsky. He is the only one who wants to live by his own laws and is often misunderstood by society. The most memorable quotes are Chatsky. "Woe from Wit" is the greatest monument of Russian literature, which even to this day causes numerous disputes and discussions.

"The houses are new, but the prejudices are old"

The meaning of this statement is that oftensociety lives on the basis of old dogmas and ideas. If decisions are made on the basis of previous beliefs, it means that to some of the youth they will seem blasphemous, wrong, degrading personality, not allowing it to fully express its essence. Winged expressions from the comedy "Woe from Wit", like this, make it possible to trace the destructive effect of the old foundations and the old system.

quotes from grief from the mind

CHATSKY by this expression emphasizes his incomprehensibility, isolation from the world of the FAMUS society, in which hypocrisy and pretense flourish.

"It would be nice to serve, to be served up sickly"

Perhaps the reader is most familiar withutterances of Chatsky. Quotes comedy "Woe from Wit" abound with openness and sincerity. Chatsky expresses his own position very clearly and is not going to hide his opinion on this or that question. Most of all the hero is unpleasant hypocrisy and advantageous helpfulness in relation to the elders in rank. At every opportunity, Chatsky gives truthful comments, which can be regarded as words of a truly sane person. Winged expressions from the comedy "Woe from Wit", like this, mark the unhealthy relationships within the society of the beginning of the 19th century, where fraud, flattery, bad looks, discussions behind your backs.

"Where, tell us Fathers Fatherland, whom we should take for samples?"

Chatsky non-stop looking for the truth in this world. He wants to see next to him a reliable friend, companion, responsible and honest man. Instead, he faces an unsightly reality that makes him finally disappointed in people. He often observes the older generation, who are his father, but he does not find a true role model. The young man does not want to resemble either Famusov, who simply squandered his life, no one else from his own circle. The tragedy is that nobody understands Chatsky, he feels alone and lost among this "masquerade", in which society plays. This statement sounds both as a statement of fact, and as bitter regret. Perhaps, other winged expressions from the comedy "Woe from Wit" sink into the soul not so much as this. Here, in fact, the irreconcilable, almost revolutionary essence of the main character is depicted.

"Evil tongues are more terrible than a pistol"

These words are spoken by the character MOLCHALIN. He gives the impression of a person of quiet, predictable, complaisant, who under any circumstances is ready to please others. But MOLCHALIN is not as simple as it seems. He clearly understands the profitability of his behavior and, in a convenient case, adapts himself to the changing conditions of social life. Serving and ready always to obey, he does not notice how every day he increasingly loses himself, rejects his dreams (if they ever visited him), is lost. At the same time, Molchalin is very much afraid that other people (perhaps even from his entourage) will at some point betray him, turn away or in some way laugh at his awkwardness.

citations of the Chatsky grief from the mind

"People are given human beings, and people can be deceived"

Chatsky is deeply indignant at the way in whichthis society receives high rank. All that is required of a person is to be attentive and helpful in relation to his immediate superior. Attitude to work, abilities and talents, high aspirations - all this, according to his observation, has absolutely no significance. The conclusions that the young man makes are very sad and disappointing. He simply does not know how to continue to be able to freely exist in a society that rejects all that is true and right.

comedy quotes grief from the mind

Quotes from "Woe from Wit" are filled with brightemotionality. When you read the work for the first time, you involuntarily begin to sympathize with the main character, together with him, be amazed by the unhealthy Famusian society and worry about the overall outcome of the events.

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